Emerger Swap



Dec 23, 2012
I'm a big fan of fly swaps but have never hosted one. Been tying emergers lately so figured Id throw this out there. Tie any emerger pattern you would like. I'll wait to see how many people we get but I figure if its over 10-12 then we can stick to one fly per person. Let me know if anyone is interested. I'd like to have them fairly quickly as trout season is amongst us already. Maybe a deadline of April 20th.
Krott, I am in. Don't know what pattern yet. I'll know by tomorrow.

If this materializes, count me in.
i've never participated in a swap before, count me in. ill tie a woven sulphur cripple emerger.
1. Krott243- BWO Flash Emerger
2. GenCOn-
3. Evw659- Woven Sulpher Cripple Emerger
4. Busterwantstofish-
5. Jay348-
I am in. I will tie a cdc Sulphur emerger.
Oh I guess I should not have waited. I was going to do a sulpher emerger. I see we already hace 2- guys doing that. Hmm. what should I do. I'll probably do some type of caddis emerger. I will get back to you on that.

I'd like to get in on this if you will have me.
I will be doing a Hendrickson emerger. Still working on the pattern. Just tied one it came out so so. Have to tweak a bit. Then I'll take a pic and post it.

I will try this out. I will do a Bwo emerger.
Quill body CDC emerger No.2 olive
Updated Emerger Swap List:

1. Krott243-CDC Flash BWO emerger
2. Evw659- Woven Sulphur Cripple emerger
3. Busterwantstofish-
4. Jay348-
5. SBecker- CDC Sulphur emerger
6. GenCon- Hendrickson emerger
7. RTM- BWO emerger
8. Dcap240- Quill body CDC emerger olive
I'm in....tan caddis emerger
I've settled on a caddis as well.

Not set on a particular pattern, but since tan is covered...I'll go green.

1. Krott243-CDC Flash BWO emerger
2. Evw659- Woven Sulphur Cripple emerger
3. Busterwantstofish- Klinkhamer
4. Jay348- Green Caddis emerger
5. SBecker- CDC Sulphur emerger
6. GenCon- Hendrickson emerger
7. RTM- BWO emerger
8. Dcap240- Quill body CDC emerger olive
9. tyeager- Tan Caddis emerger

I'll give it another day and close it down. You guys ok with tying 2 a piece? So as of now it would be a total of 16 flies.
Krott, what is the due date?

I would love to get back into a swap, but I will be traveling a lot through the end of April. If it gets pushed back a week or two, I might be able to do it, but I don't want to commit then disappoint. Good luck - looking forward to seeing the ties.
Ok. I am kinda bumed. I was in the processs of tying a biot body Hendrickson. I needed more biots which I ordered from my local Orvis store. I have waited a week. They came yesterday, guess what wrong color. So here is the question. I have enough to do 8 or 10 with biots. Does anyone mind if I do 8 of one pattern and 8 of another? Or should I just pick a different fly and do 16 of those.
ok guys chime in. let me know what you think.

Are we doing 8 of one pattern and 8 of another? Or 16 of one pattern? You got me confused now GenCon. I got 8 tied up already so it doesn't matter to me. I don't mind doing 2 and I don't mind if you change up the color GenCon but I'm not sure what we are doing now. 8 flies? 16 flies? 8 and 8?
Dcap240 wrote:
Are we doing 8 of one pattern and 8 of another? Or 16 of one pattern? You got me confused now GenCon. I got 8 tied up already so it doesn't matter to me. I don't mind doing 2 and I don't mind if you change up the color GenCon but I'm not sure what we are doing now. 8 flies? 16 flies? 8 and 8?

It is supposed to be 16 of one pattern. I was only asking because like I said in my post. I could not get the material I neededd to finish 16 of the hendrickson patteren I was doing. I was just asking if anyone minded if I do two flies.
