Earthquakes & Hurricanes. What's freakin' next?

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It has been a pretty crazy week already with a once in a century 5.9 magnitude earthquake jolting the east coast on Tuesday. Our new threat is with Hurricane Irene which is bearing down on us and expected to strike North Carolina within hours. Already a Cat 3, Irene is forecasted to grind away at the coastlines from North Carolina to Maine. Unfortunately, many of the most Eastern streams in the Northeastern states are already above average for this time of year. More rain and strong winds will make for some pretty challenging conditions over the weekend.

I hope everyone takes appropriate precautions and prepares for what will be a wet and windy weekend for many. Maybe this storm will take out the swarm of [d]locusts[/d] stink bugs that is due to onset us next week.

Have a good weekend. I am off to get some gas for my generator!
There may be some pictures of somebody fly fishing/casting during this storm coming this way....
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There may be some pictures of somebody fly fishing/casting during this storm coming this way....
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There may be some pictures of somebody fly fishing/casting during this storm coming this way....
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Have fun and be careful. You may see me dangerously close to opening a few beverages over the weekend. Low risk, high returns!
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Have fun and be careful. You may see me dangerously close to opening a few beverages over the weekend. Low risk, high returns!
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Have fun and be careful. You may see me dangerously close to opening a few beverages over the weekend. Low risk, high returns!
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I kinda have plans for that as well, unless water starts to come in the basement, which I'm hoping doesn't happen.
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I kinda have plans for that as well, unless water starts to come in the basement, which I'm hoping doesn't happen.
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I kinda have plans for that as well, unless water starts to come in the basement, which I'm hoping doesn't happen.
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Stay safe guys. Think of the upside... brookie streams might fish well next week!
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Stay safe guys. Think of the upside... brookie streams might fish well next week!
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Stay safe guys. Think of the upside... brookie streams might fish well next week!
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Mmmmm gin n tonics! Just got back from the "picnic" at sis and bon jovi in laws.....I'll leave it at that. Time for a few drinks, some relaxation before I might have to start sucking water out of the basement.
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Mmmmm gin n tonics! Just got back from the "picnic" at sis and bon jovi in laws.....I'll leave it at that. Time for a few drinks, some relaxation before I might have to start sucking water out of the basement.
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Mmmmm gin n tonics! Just got back from the "picnic" at sis and bon jovi in laws.....I'll leave it at that. Time for a few drinks, some relaxation before I might have to start sucking water out of the basement.
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Dave you jinxed me. First to stink bugs of the summer showed up on my back door screen yesterday.
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Dave you jinxed me. First to stink bugs of the summer showed up on my back door screen yesterday.
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Dave you jinxed me. First to stink bugs of the summer showed up on my back door screen yesterday.
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I have been seeing about three a day now. Sadly I fear it will only get worse over the next few weeks. It motivated me to clean up my garage and put everything into closed up plastic boxes.
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