Early Season BWO's

I very often fish a second dry when I'm fishing a spinner pattern that's hard to see. I'll fish a sulpher dun with a sulpher spinner or a parachute ant with a trico spinner.

I have not yet fished a tandem for BWOs, but I got a lot of ideas for that from this thread.
Foxgap239 wrote:
One thing I intend to try this summer is a sunken trico spinner off a dry dropper. Probably an ant but TBD.

That should work well, but if not, try the sunken trico spinner fished deep like a nymph, especially at the heads of pools where the dead spinners have been forced under by the current. I caught my biggest brown of the year that way.
Not to derail your thread but I've generally had more luck on sunken tricos fished deep than as a dropper rig. And done well from first light until 2pm or so with them. Last year I did more sunken trico fishing than trico dry fly fishing. If I catch up with you this summer I'll share another trico pattern with you.

As far as emerging BWO droppers anyone every try a yellow bodied fly. I've read they don't turn olive brown until they are exposed to the air and light for a few minutes.
Thanks to both of you for the info and ideas on sunken tricos. Don't worry about rerailing my thread since I seem to have done it to myself. LOL
1 more tid bit on tricos they are not black errrrrr I should say their body color darkens as the season progresses. I actually think it is a combination of sun light and possible sub species but no one else will believe that. But then again others swear tricos are never a size bigger nor smaller than a size 24. That may be true as well but fish eat size 20 imitations with no problem.

Anyway a BWO color early season trico works and a mahogany brown tears em up in August and everything in the color spectrum in between during mid summer.
Fish a size 16-18 dry with a nymph or emerger of the same size.