early daylight savings this year



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
Its about a month earlier than usual. Does this affect anyone's fishing habbits and do you like or dislike it earlier for any specific fishing reasons? I know it will give me more daylight to fish after i'm done working, and with the early opening day out east, that should have an effect on that region also.
It doesn't change much for me. This time of year is alot of high water and busy afternoons for me anyway, so it won't make a difference. Once I get done internship and go back on classes, DST has usually already happened, at which point I begin fishing every day.

I'm all for saving energy, so I'm ok with it. What I don't understand is how the hell nobody heard about this before a week ago? At least nobody I know.
Yesterday was the first day I got home from work before it was completely dark and I didn't have to leave right at 5 to do it. In fact, it was well-past 630 before it was too dark to fish. That means next week, if I could actually get out of work on time, I could get home and change and head to the local lake for an hour of bluegill fishing. I'm ready. :cool:
Better bring your axe Jack...I'm not sure where you fish but there is still 8 inches of ice at twin lakes. I'll go BG fishing anytime except thru the ice.

Hey guys a very important note about DLST!!! For those of you who either run their computers on a network or occasionally store data and such on a network. Make sure you manually change the clock on your computer or ask an IT guy for advice about this potential problem I have been told about by the company that supplies my editing software. While the networks will have their time adjusted, if you connect your computer to your network and your times don't jive, you could have problems retrieving data or have certain programs initialize extremely slowly. This is the case with my editing software. Now I don't store any of my media on a server or lanshare so it doesn't exactly affect me, but I understand that this could be a problem. I think that Chaz and Pad work in this area so if either of you guys has any insight on this I'd be happy to listen.
I love the idea of an extended DST. I wish we stayed on DST all year long. An hour more to do things outside after work (and on the weekends, for that matter) is great. Fishing, golf, yardwork, whatever. When we go back to standard time it's always depressing when it gets dark before getting out of work. Most of us don't need it to be light in the morning. Heck, if it gets light later it makes it easier to get to the stream at first light. And when the time changes it's a big headache for commuting, because sun glare can tie things up terribly on the freeways, and when the time changes it adds another cycle when the sun hits at the height of the rush. But I hear a lot of grumbling about it, because of the computer problems, etc., and there's rumblings that it doesn't really help with energy savings, farmers don't like it, etc. So this year may be the end of it. But like I said, I wish they would just stay on DST all year.
Just curious, what don't farmers like...My aunt and uncle have very few clocks at their farm and never really wear a watch because time is kind of meaning less. You do things when they need done in spite of what time it is.
I wondered about the same thing, Tom. But I hear reports that they don't like it. I think it may have had something to do with the kids being able to help with chores before school. Maybe it's just a media misconception. I'd be interested if anybody has an explanation. FarmerDave?
Wulff-Man wrote:
I think it may have had something to do with the kids being able to help with chores before school. FarmerDave?

I'd believe that one...never really thought about it that much. I'll have to ask my cousins...since they'd be the ones getting out of all the work. I know when I used to stay with them we were up at 4am. It was a dairy farm.
Dear Board,

I hate the switch to DST in the Spring. We just got through Winter and now with the switch morning comes an hour later. I don't mind it when it's dark at night, it's supposed to be dark at night. I hate it now because I'm used to the sun coming up at 6:00 AM and now it's not going to come around until 7:00 AM!

Tim Murphy
DST affects those farmers that go by the clock instead of by the sun. Say farmer Joe milks his cows at sunup regards of what the clock says, his cows willn't be stressed from not being milked. But farmer John goes by the clock. So every morning at 6, he milks his cows and they are stressed from not being milked for that hour. At least thats what I got from the segment they did on CBS Evening News.
I'm with wulfman on this - I love DST, and also think we should stay on it year round. I think almost everyone would like to have an extra hour of daylight in the evening, when you can do something with it.
One argument I've heard against it is that the kids will be going to school in the dark now. A simple remedy for that - start school an hour later.
As for fishing, - sure, there is the same amount of daylight as before, - but it still always seems to be like getting an extra hour of it in for me
I love the idea of the early DST! I get very depressed with winter and the darkness, so the idea of more daylight is just fine with me..wish it was year around.

Beside most of the guys I fish with don't like to get up early, so that gives us more time to fish in the evening!

live2tofish wrote:
DST affects those farmers that go by the clock instead of by the sun. Say farmer Joe milks his cows at sunup regards of what the clock says, his cows willn't be stressed from not being milked. But farmer John goes by the clock. So every morning at 6, he milks his cows and they are stressed from not being milked for that hour. At least thats what I got from the segment they did on CBS Evening News.

I think CBS should stick with the news and not farming. They seem to still think that because they were the network of Green Acres; they know something about farming. The cows get milked several times a day and the position of the sun has nothing to do with when they drop their milk. Believe me, the COWS know when it's time and clocks or what time the sun comes up has nothing to do with it. Also, what about the normal changes in sunrise and sunset during the course of the year?

Dairy farming is the most committed type of farming there is with no days off and LONG days. That's why robotic milking stations are becoming popular if you can afford one; they give you a life. You get up early no matter what time the sun comes up, no matter the weather or if you're sick or just pissed off. Farmers can cope with flood, disease, foul weather and everything nature throws at them; why would they care about a few weeks of changes in the time the sun rises or sets which ONLY has to do with a clock they only use to wake up at 4:00 anyway when the sun is STILL down.

I'm not picking on you live2fish; I just hate when the media tries to create a story where there is none. I think they are putting the idea down because the earlier DST change was an idea of a certain President they loathe.

BTW, I LOVE the longer days and the sooner they start the better I like it since I no longer have any cows to milk. ;-).
Bamboozle wrote:
They seem to still think that because they were the network of Green Acres; they know something about farming. .

Yeah, I'm sure thats exactly why they did a story on DLST....Every network did the story including most local affiliates from rural states. If you hate CBS so much, don't watch...and if you didn't watch how can you criticize the report without having seen it. Believe me, it was probably due some criticism. The state of the those protected by the Constitution, to allow information to be disseminated without restriction of government, have been letting us down over the last decade or so...but the knee jerk its the medias fault is getting old... Don't shoot the messenger. If they report bad info its because they were given bad info. My local newspaper still has no problem blaming Bill Clinton when the winds blows the wrong direction...He's been out of office for what 6, years now? But when I read their spin I just laugh and move one. You must remember it is the jobof the news to raise questions about the government. If your boy just happens to be in there at that time, you can't whine about it. When they stop doing this you can sit there and watch stories about brittney and Anna nicole at 5 and 11 every day.

I don't see what the time has to do with anything...if you usually do something at 5 you do it at 6...if the cows are full because you fed then 5 hrs ago, milk them. If it gets dark at 8 instead of seven I fish till 8.
Dear Tom,

The thing is day isn't any longer, just the hours are different.

I hate dark mornings way more than I hate dark nights.

Tim Murphy :)
I'll be fishing in the afternoons now instead of waiting till April.
Not only do we start 3 weeks early, we have another week added on at the end. 10 MAR 07 thru 4 NOV 07
I love it. I work Mon. - Fri. till 4:30. I now can actually get a couple hours of fishing in after work. After a long winter, I really needed this.

Out for the first time today since January 4. Came off the crik at 4:00 and it was the warmest part of the day. A warm conversation in the parking area with a couple friends around. It was priceless.

Unfortunatey I got skunked. Nevertheless!