Dunbar Crreek FFO

Nice video and some nice fish. I noticed the fly rod was wrapped around the rod. Was there a reason for it or did you just not string it up correctly?
An error on my part, I didn't even realize it until I watched the video.
I vote this stream the most likely to have your vehicle broken into in PA.
I've read that before, and know the economics of the area, but has that ever actually happened to anyone on here? Or is it always just a buddy's buddy told me?
This will be my 46th year fishing that creek. I have never had a problem with anyone there but i always minded my own business and dressed the part when there- Pechin (the old one) hip boots and eagle claw rod, etc. There have been a number of unsavory characters, not all of them fisherman. Friends of mine (reliable, not buddy's buddy) have been harassed, Winston rod and Simms waders kind of guys. I've seen a ton of poaching including scooping trout out with a landing net, guys with crummy fly rods and 25 lb test tippet and their buddy without a rod supplying the"flies", bait fisherman in FFO, a kid with a fly rod and his buddy next to him with a stringer running down the inside of his pant leg with trout on it at his feet (during no harvest time), etc. plenty of partying at the last big lot, fish caught and cooked on a fire right out of the stream (game lands so no fires allowed i believe). This seems to be getting worse in the past 5 or 6 yr.
honestly i would not care if they stopped stocking this stream altogether - i really don't enjoy fishing there like i did 20 or so yr ago. That plus the physical "improvements" to the stream in the last 2 yrs have made it less appealing to me. there are other nicer streams nearby.
The overall situation there has given me "the creeps" recently and i never felt like that in the past.
GrouseSetters wrote:
I've read that before, and know the economics of the area, but has that ever actually happened to anyone on here? Or is it always just a buddy's buddy told me?

I've seen quite a few shady looking characters driving along that gravel road that dead ends. But have never been broken into while parked along there.

However, I have been broken into twice while parked along the nearby yough river trail - by the water treatment plant.

Kbob -

If the stream improvements you're referring to is the removal of the old dams - I agree with you.
They provided some very nice holes and cover, that held nice fish year round.
I wish they had left them there.
I fish there a few times a week, and also hunt and hike the gamelands. I haven’t had any issues. The situation has greatly improved over the last several years in my opinion.
Ha! 40 years ago a couple of buddies and I fished Dunbar - wet waded so we changed into shorts leaving our jeans, shoes, wallets, etc. in the car. When we returned, the car was broken into but the only thing missing was 1 pair of jeans! Apparently the perpetrator tried on all our clothes and only left with the jeans that fit!!
I think this akin to suburbanites visiting a rough part of the city. I always hear " I'd never go to such an such a place after dark". I always chuckle a bit. Same goes with Dunbar.

I once had a Dunbar local save my day when the drive shaft in the jeep I was in decided to drop. He found us stuck pretty far out into the cut. He left us and came back with his friends tow truck and towed us to his home where he let us hang out and drink beer until someone from Pittsburgh came to collect our butts. He also hooked us up with a local that was able to repair the jeep at low cost.

They are good people and as far as poaching well there may well be a very good reason for it.

I truly miss the old peachins. Everytime my mother cooked meat my dad asked if it came from Pechin. She always said no - 8 time outta 10 that was a lie !
Fished Dunbar this morning for a few hours. Only me and one other guy fishing. I only took two hours and caught one nice looking brook.

Size10 Bitch-Creek woven yellow 'n black.

BTW, I've never had an issue fishing there.
I (again) went to Dunbar on the 2nd of July. A storm had come thru there a day or two before and blew over a huge tree that blocked the road only 100 yards in. A fellow who works for the township was cutting it to clear and told me it would be another hour as he had to get the backhoe to push the big stuff aside. As it turned out, another tree about 400 yards down had fallen, but he was able to push that one aside without cutting. Nice fellow....chatted with him for a few minutes.

Anyway.....I caught one brookie on a Letort Hopper. I had two other ones who kept darting up feeding on something just sub-surface. I tossed a menu of what I had at 'em but they didn't care to chomp on any.

I noticed the water is beginning to warm a bit. I didn't use my waders at all and I never got cold feet.
