dunbar creek



Jan 27, 2007
I was thinking about going to dunbar creek this saturday but i heard the red necks like to swim in the deeper holes in the hot weather.also i was thinking about going to the fly fishing only part of the stream what do you think.also what flies,leader, tippit and rigs should i use thanks.

Yes, the hillbillies do swim in it's deeper holes! But if you get there early you won't have a problem. FFO section is nice, but you won't be alone on a Sat. AM. So don't be afraid do a little exploring, it's a pretty large project area and most only fish the section along the dirt rd.
As for what flies to use, stick with attractor patterns stimualtors, adams, and buggers. Send me a PM if you are going for sure, maybe I'll see you there.
well i will pm you when i know for shure and i will be th only 12 year old droping a line lol
Another thing at dunbar in the fly fishing only section thay have a like drop off litttle water fall thats man made and ther is always a good amount of fish just sitting ther and every once in awhile thay will rise how can one catch thes fish.

Don't worry about hillbilly's at Dunbar. People post that BS here to scare people off the stream. I've been hiking, climbing and fishing the area my entire life and have never had trouble with the locals. In fact they will go out of their way to help you if you run into trouble.
thanks good to know Bruno also about those man made little water fall type things what would be the best way to catch fish below those?
Believe it or not, the fish often set up looking downstream into the return current of the eddies, at least when feeding on top. If I fish the dammed areas with a nymph or streamer, I usually throw the fly into the spillover, let it get dragged down (you may need a few splitshots) and then fish the drift back through the deep part of the pool. If fishing dries to rising fish, I let the fish tell me where they want it, but more often than not, that means throwing into the tail out and dragging it into the backward eddy current, then mending to get a somewhat drag-free backward drift. The fish in these pools get hammered. Regardless of the dozens you will see holed up there, spend some time fishing elsewhere and you may be better rewarded.
thanks will do so what places should i fish other than the dams like what should i look for?
I have not been up there for a while. My guess it is very low. If so, you will want to look for pockets with some faster water which would provide a hiding place and oxygen-rich water.

JackM has a great point, do a little exploring with an attractor fly(stimulator always works for me) and you will catch fish. Those fish @ the jackdams do see alot of flies, and they never seem to be keyed on one fly. So don't be afraid to show them something different.
i will definatly try all thats mentioned thanks for all the advice.

I fished Dunbar creek yesterday, and got back too late to post report for you today.
Anyway, it was very low and clear, and the fish were super tough.
I managed to catch 6 on terrestials, but I had to work for every one. The fish were all bunched up in the deep holes and quite spooky.
Looks like you picked a tough time to go there - hope you had better luck than me
you caught 6 i would be happy if i caught one ! hahaha