Dubbing question......

I was all set to ask a dubbing question but Rolf beat me to it. So I thought I'd just tag along on this thread. My question has to do with actually applying the dubbing to the thread. All the videos I've watched, it looks so easy, just twist the dubbing on the thread. But for me it's not so easy, the dubbing does not seem to attach to the thread. Do you wet the dubbing? Use dubbing wax? Wet your fingers?
You are quite welcome Rolf, I hope it helps you out.
Laszlo your answer lies in the link ^^above ^^
Thanks nymphy, handy link, covers it all
Welcome Las. I agree its a good one.
Wow, very good link. I've been reading this article since you posted. So many different techniques...
Do you wet the dubbing? Use dubbing wax? Wet your fingers?

I use wax. I prefer Rumphs stuff, but also use Gerkes on occasion.