Dry fly cape website?



New member
Jan 20, 2014
I once stumbled onto a website where you could view actual photos of dry fly capes for purchase. I can't remember the website and can't find it by searching. Does anyone know this site?
Feather emporium.
Campfire Lodge also known as www.jimsflyco.com

I have ordered several items from there. Great person to work with. I emailed him what I was looking for and he provided me with what I needed.

I came real close to ordering off Feather Emporium but checked around the Internet and found some really negative reviews about them.
I came real close to ordering off Feather Emporium but checked around the Internet and found some really negative reviews about them.
Prospector wrote:
I came real close to ordering off Feather Emporium but checked around the Internet and found some really negative reviews about them.

I had a recent experience with Feather Emporium and can only say that the customer service is very poor at very best. I did end up with the materials I wanted and they met my expectations. However, it took me a month, multiple emails and phone calls, and a returned item to get what I wanted.

The short of it is this: Feather Emporium has some really nice stuff, but is run by someone who has no clue of how to run a small, very specialized business. His business is built entirely on the variety and quality of his products in spite of atrocious management, terrible customer service, and complete lack of responsibility to paying customers.

Buying from Feather Emporium is not for the faint of heart.

With that in mind, I will probably go through the trouble again just because he has some things that no one else does.
i have bought numerous times from feather emporium and have never had a problem with customer service, delivery or the product

1 or 2 negative reports are not enough to convince me from buying there
nfrechet wrote:

1 or 2 negative reports are not enough to convince me from buying there

It's not just one or two. Google it. The horror stories pretty much all match what I went through.

I don't think it's anything malicious on the part of FE. I just think he doesn't have his crap together.
While I've heard others complaints, I've never had an issue at all with the company or the product personally. I get most all of my hackle from them.
I too have purchased from FE. Never had a problem and have always been pleased with the quality of their feathers.

it was to my door 2-3 days after submitting the order
Yup i had a very good experience with them as well. Only place i was able to find a full bronze cree neck.
PennKev wrote:

It's not just one or two. Google it. The horror stories pretty much all match what I went through.

oh ive read through pages of a few guys complaining and even participated in the thread regarding my experience and i'm still not swayed from buying from FE ever again.
Ya i just went through some of the reviews and dang. Ill still order from them, but def wont be spending lots of money at one time. and for sure will never try to return something, instead ill just eat the loss.

but for what its worth, they have by far the best CDL available. i got mine for i think $12 and the feathers are longer and have longer fibers than any other place ive found. oh and it has about 15 more feathers than any package you will find at the fly shop (and they usually cost 10 bucks).