Dropper Fly



Jun 25, 2010
Okay, so not exactly a beginner, but always trying to learn new things.....Yes, I know, dropper flies or trailers are common and they are something that most people that have been fly fishing for years know about. I never really found a need for them, and could catch fish with just one fly, but I did realize that with two flies you have twice the chance, so why not?

Does anyone care to shed some light on what are some good combinations, if there are any special techniques or anything else I may need to know before this opening day? Thanks all. Fish on!
A simple combination would be a pink san juan on top to a hares ear or PT on bottom. You are talking about opening day so I am assuming you will be surrounded by bait fisherman and spinning tackle so showing them something natural as well as colorful at the same time would be pretty effective. A bunch of others come to mind but I will let others chime in but I would start with the tandem mentioned above.
More often than not, I use a two or even sometimes a three fly rig. A dry with a dropper is a great rig for shallow water or where fish are feeding up in the water column. Nymphing with a heavier “anchor fly” on a dropper with another fly on the point is a great rig.

Here is some info on different rigs to give you some ideas:



Good luck.

BTW, a "PatriotfFly" is a great fly for a dry dropper... :)

Thanks for sharing those articles. I found them very helpful.
One of my favorite dry/dropper rigs is a Patriot and Green Weenie. Tie the GW to the hook bend of the Patriot with about 2 to 3 feet of tippet. It works anytime fish are active. I'm pretty sure a few other guys here on the board like this setup too.
I often use a generic mayfly parachute (sz 12 or 14) and an unweighted PT.

Dun and emerging insect.

I have often cauhgt fish with both hooks in thier mouth...opportunistic.

The Royal Wulff or a Usual with a creamy wing for visibility sake up top.

Then, depending on how saucy I feel, one or two flies underneath. If I do two flies, the middle one is usually a tiny little affair, like an Al's Rat in sz20.

The droppingest dropper tends to either be a hare's ear or a partridge-hackled wet, herl or floss body. There may or may not be a dot of tungsten putty, and it will pretty much be fished to swinging, to help loft the entire mess into a cast and because mebbe some dumb fish will think a tasty snack is about to escape.
afishinado wrote:
BTW, a "PatriotfFly" is a great fly for a dry dropper... :)

Patriot dry with a green weenie dropper = ? Anyone, anyone?
Patriot dry with a green weenie dropper = ? Anyone, anyone?

See my post above, sir
TUNA wrote:
Patriot dry with a green weenie dropper = ? Anyone, anyone?

See my post above, sir

Ha. Didn't see your reply but it does not give the answer which of course is heavy trout.

Perhaps you should switch out to a parachute weenie with a al's weenie (green thread, green muskrat on a
How about a Weenie swap? Don't forget about Red Weenies, they work well during high water events. Black and Cream/Tan colored versions work well, too.
Sounds like a bunch of weenies.