Downstream Chest Fly box

no problem.

I have always been quite a minimalist on the stream. Have always carried a small box that has necklace. I then placed my spools of tippet through the necklace...grab it, another old orvis thing for streamers, some weights, and a couple indicators.

However, I still needed to organize all my flies, and pick the appropriate flies before leaving vehicle.

The plan is to carry two (maybe sometimes three) trays with me, but have the others organized so I can change quickly. If I am feeling like a terristrial day, then grab that tray. Streamers, then that one. etc. THe main tray will be the go to, work most of the time flies, probably don't NEED anything else tray...couple streamers, some all purpose nymphs, some all purpose dries, some terestrials, few midges, etc.

It'll be interesting to see how this new system works....

I do like the idea of not using the foam that came with the trays.
I've gone totally vestless. Very doable. Here's my rig:

forceps: Just snap them on the strap above the box.
Nippers and thermometer: On a zinger on the strap, right next to the box.
License holder: Safety pinned to the strap on my back.
Camera: Used to velcro it to the front. Now I have a smaller waterproof version, and it'll likely go on my belt.

That all works fine and dandy. Here's the tough part for me. Tippet spools, shot, car keys, cell phone. On longer trips, cigars and lighters, drinks, sandwich, leader materials, etc.

My methods vary based on how much of that I want to carry. From full-fledged butt/fanny pack, to just throwing a spool of tippet and keys in a pocket.
haven't worn a vest in years, been using a shoulder bag, works great, but all this talk of the chest boxes is gonna make me dig out my downstream!