Dont forget to buy your 2019 License

timbow wrote:
just_jon wrote:
I also like the fact that you display the annual button in lieu of your paper license.

Also purchased annual freshwater non-resident licenses for MD VA, NY, VT, NH and ME.

That’s really cool that you’ve been able to collect all of those buttons and please don’t take my rant the wrong way.....but the reintroduction of those buttons was the most asanine solution to the antiquated policies of the commission. I’ve fished all over the country and many foreign countries and I can’t recall EVER having to display my license on an outer garment. It’s like the just copied the hunting regs without regard to the actual functionality of the policy. For hunting it makes sense, wardens can glass hunters from a distance without the dangers of sneaking up on an armed hunter or ruining the hunters day by making contact with him/her to check the license. This is especially useful in the western states. When’s the last time you saw a fish warden glassing anglers with binoculars? The print on the license is so small that by the time a warden can read the year he’s close enough to ask to see your license.

Believe it or not the last time I had my license checked was by a warden who used binoculars from the far bank and yelled at me to turn around so he could see the license. I politely told him to put the binoculars down and I would gladly come over.
poopdeck wrote:
If you would indulge me I would love to hear your typical comment about those who have a license on their hat.

I actually have them on all of my fishing hats, my lanyard, my waist pack, my tackle bag, in my boat and in the glove box of my car

I was simply attempting to make a funny. Not looking to offend anyone.
Even more confused after reading paragraph 63.2, subparapragh b (Display on a outer garment. It reads as follows:

It is unlawful for a person required by chapter 27 of the code (relating to fishing licenses) to purchase a fishing license to fish in the waters of this Commonwealth or in boundary waters unless the person displays the license certificate, a license button, or other devise approved by the Executive Director on a hat or outer garment while fishing. A warning will be issued for first violation
of this section if the person has a valid fishing license in His possession or about his person and shows it upon request . . . If a license button or other devise is displayed, the Person shall carry the license certificate about his person.
just_jon wrote:
Even more confused after reading paragraph 63.2, subparapragh b (Display on a outer garment. It reads as follows:

It is unlawful for a person required by chapter 27 of the code (relating to fishing licenses) to purchase a fishing license to fish in the waters of this Commonwealth or in boundary waters unless the person displays the license certificate, a license button, or other devise approved by the Executive Director on a hat or outer garment while fishing. A warning will be issued for first violation

The fishing book you get with your license is a summary. Without actually fact checking, I will assume JJ quoted the appropriate law. Nothing confusing there. its pretty clear, the law is the fishing license must be worn on an outer garment.

The voluntary license things do not apply. Your real fishing license contains clear wording in a readable font Right at the top of the license stating the license MUST be displayed on an outer garment.

The mud has been cleared. Thanks JJ
0K, I get the license or button being displayed but could someone explain an "other device"
I went back and found the proposal to change the display requirement for a PA fishing license. I'm not 100% sure of the status of this change in regulation. If it were approved, I believe it has to appear in the PA Bulletin, which I cannot find.

§ 63.2. [Display] Possession of fishing license and verification of license purchase.
* * *
[Display on an outer garment] Possession of fishing license. It is unlawful for a person required by Chapter 27 of the code (relating to fishing licenses) to purchase a fishing license to fish in the waters of this Commonwealth or in boundary waters or land unless the person has a valid fishing license certificate and associated permits on his person and shows them upon the request of an officer. A license may be stored on a mobile device and displayed upon the request of an officer. A person may elect to [displays the] display a license certificate, a license button or other device approved by the Executive Director on a hat or outer garment while fishing. If a license button or other device is displayed, the person shall carry the license on his person. [A warning will be issued for a first violation of this section if the person has a valid fishing license in his possession and about his person and shows it upon request.] An institutional license issued under section 2708 of the code (relating to institutional licenses) may be [displayed] possessed or maintained by the person fishing or by the person attending the person who is fishing. [If a license button or other device is displayed instead of the license certificate, the person shall carry the license certificate about his person.]

Link to source: Here

My guess is, since the display requirement no longer appears in the summary book (at least I can't find it), the new law was voted in and will be in force shortly.

In the mean time I still have my license pinned on my fishing pack and will continue to do so. I recommend everyone do the same, at least until the PFBC clarifies the regulation.
"[A warning will be issued for a first violation of this section if the person has a valid fishing license in his possession and about his person and shows it upon request.]"

Huh? What? So if you have a valid fishing license on your persons and you show it on demand you will get a first violation warning. I think the law needs some wordsmithing. Somebody screwed the pooch on the wording.

Back to mud.
Mwheaps32 wrote:

Believe it or not the last time I had my license checked was by a warden who used binoculars from the far bank and yelled at me to turn around so he could see the license. I politely told him to put the binoculars down and I would gladly come over.

I believe it. This happened to me once. Warden yelled down to me from a road, "where's your license." I turned my hat so he could see it and he was fine with that.

I buy my license online so I can print multiple copies. One goes in a holder that I either wear on my had or vest. Lately it was on vest since I don't always wear the same hat. Then I carry a copy in my wallet as a backup in case I lose it, or for some reason I am not wearing the vest (or hat).

I'd imagine that as long as I can prove I have one, I'm not going to get written up for not wearing it. I'd also like to think it wouldn't even warrant a written warning, but I spose it depends on the WCO.
I haven't displayed my license for years and years now. Lost a few and don't do it anymore. All this info should be on the magnetic strip on the back of ones drivers licenses or Picture ID. Carry permit, fishing, hunting, blood type all pertinent info should be on that strip. The wardens etc should all be carrying little scanners like the FedX and UPS guys do and just swipe your license. It'd give them all they need to know. I've lived in several states and PA is the only one that is just bass ackwards to any kinda common sense.
Purchased my lifetime license, habitat permit and trout permit on Jan 2. Tried to purchase on Jan 1, but website would not process my payment.

Now I just need some free time to go out and fish!