Do fly guys do stocking?

I love helping stock in season. Its quite comical seeing 5 trucks follow the fish bus, and after a few stops its only me and another truck. Those are going to be the fun days with the boy this year
Helped stock skippack yesterday

Was informative and a good workout

There were about 14 guys helping stock the upper section, roughly 30% Fly guys, based on a scientific survey of chitchat and bumper stickers

Yes. Enjoy it. In many area's of PA if you're fishing, you're probably catching a stocker or son/grandson of a stocker. Believe what you will.

What's also amazing is the amount of private stocking that's done.
Helped stock a couple time and did Skippack on Monday. Mikesl i must have been standing right by you haha only had time to help at one stop but its always fun to help out and talk to all the guys there. Get to hear some great stories and getting to talk to the conservation officer is always a treat.