Do fly guys do stocking?



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
At least for the state white trucks? The last two years I've been doing a lot of stocking, and in talking to the other volunteers, I have run across very few fly guys. Anyone have the stats on what percentage of anglers are fly fishing oriented?
I don't know the stats but some FFers do help with stocking around here. I do agree that, for most of the ATWs, the stocking volunteers are traditional anglers for the most part.

Personally, I'm glad that those folks are helping to stock regardless of their fishing methods. I enjoy fishing ATWs and appreciate that most of the ATWs in my neck of the woods are float stocked.
Yo Da

re "and appreciate that most of the ATWs in my neck of the woods are float stocked." - that is very surprising to me. I was quite aware that TCO and The Sporting Gentleman (USS Christine) enabled float stocking a lot, but it is really surprising to me how many floats are in operation in Chester and Lancaster Counties.
The last time I stocked was 6-8 years ago. It was Clarks and I float stocked a pretty long section by myself and had to drag the box 1000 yards up a 30 degree slope to get back to the road. I don't even fish there so I said screw it. Lol.
The only time I've ever stocked was when I helped during work at the USNFS....and I mostly avoid it because it drives me crazy seeing those who follow the trucks and fish practically out of the bucket if they could.
I try to help stock whenever I can. Fishing has been good to me, so if I can give just back then I try to help! I helped float stock Clarks fly section 2 weeks ago.
Used too. I did I think two years , maybe more but I was annoyed after driving at least hour to streams and have a handful
Of guys help carry buckets and as many more guys just driving with the caravan to look to see where the buckets went.

Youd think they would have helped out but they didn't. I fish 2-3 times maybe a year in stocked waters- usually special regs waters before the opener. I did have some fun not putting any fish near bridges and mostly threw them in riffles to the horror of the watchers.
I'm sorry but I don't do stockings - nor pantyhose for that mater.
I am in York county and help stock every year. In fact I will be doing a float this Saturday.
I've never helped in trout stocking, but 2 of my brothers have, 1 is a ff. The only stocking I have done is 2 fingerling musky stockings via a jet boat on a pa river.
Took my kids to the local put and take last year to have them help out with the stocking. They only dumped a few fish in but had a great time.
I've helped in the past but usually by chance since I tend to be at work during typical stocking hours. One that I did plan for in advance was float stocking the FFO stretch of Ridley several years back. Kudos to anyone who has the time and energy to help float stock! It's generally pretty physical work, and makes a huge difference in the distribution.
Helped with winter stocking a few years ago, and had a work schedule that allowed me to help out for a few years.

As others have said, it was a lot of work hauling buckets, but I was glad to help.

Also had no shortage of people showing up, then standing around, rods in hand, watching us stock...even had a group of this type that were yelling (dead serious) at the stockers for not crossing the creek to dump the buckets right in front of them.

Wouldn't mind seeing the PFBC change a few regs to curb this. Maybe incentivize volunteering to stock somehow, but more importantly, a rule that a stocked section is closed for 24-48 hours after a stocking would give the fish a bit of a chance to disperse and acclimate to conditions, and diminish the truck chasers. This would also let them do away with this business of closing all the water down for 6-7 weeks of the early season. ATWs could remain open, strictly C&R, but would close for the 1-2 days after a stocking (or even increase that lead time to a week after stocking from Mar. 1st to opening day).
I would like to help but most of the streams in my area do it during the week, around lunch time it seems. I work normal M-F daylight hours so I'm never available to help. I did just send a email out about helping a private org. stock a small local stream. They're supposed to get back to me. Hopefully it's on a Saturday.
Yes I do help the PF&BC stock from time to time and I am also the president of the Brandywine Trout and Conservation Club. The club is a co-op hatchery so we do our own stocking as well during the season.
I have helped stock a few times and intend to help a few times next week, work schedule permitting.

I don't always fish for stockies, but when I do, I prefer them to be well distributed.

Hey 724 I have a question for you about the small stream you are helping to stock. I'm from your neck of the woods and I'm wondering if it's the one I have been trying to find out who stocks it, because I would like to make a donation to the organization. I will send you a PM if I can figure it out.
I have helped a couple of times when they were stocking fish near my Camp.
TU members help stock the Tully DH, most of them are fly fishers.
25th year of float stocking. It is a lot of work and time, but if you want to spread the fish out to enjoy fishing for them other than beside a bridge, it's the only game in town.