Disaster -- calling all rod builders

John96 wrote:
With full respect to everyone who said that rod will never fish again, I'm going to disagree. You'll never repair it to its original condition, but you could certainly get it to a place where you could fish it.

I would hit up yard sales until you find a cheap rod and pick it up. Then use parts of that rod as inserts to fit inside and connect the broken sections. Hold the whole shebang together with a good quality epoxy and put down a layer of wraps over the new joints. For the tip top, I would just put a new one right over the broken tip.

You certainly loose some action doing this, but I had a rod that I fixed this way and got 5 more years of hard fishing out of it before it broke again and I called it quits.

If you go this route I wouldn't have it as my only rod, but it would make a fine 'sometimes' rod.

I pulled the trigger on a new setup but will certainly keep your suggestion in mind for when I stumble upon a yard sale next.

Thanks again for all your input.