Disaster -- calling all rod builders



Active member
Mar 17, 2020
Sad day today. I accidentally vacuumed up my leader which launched my fly rod into the wall shattering the top section into multiple smaller pieces. It's not a fancy rod but it's the only rod I have and the only fly rod I've fished with for the past 21 years. It was bought in my hometown of Kristianstad, Sweden, made by a company that is long defunct (or at least I cannot find any information about it; Scandinavian Special Design Flyrods). As you can imagine it has immeasurable sentimental value.

I'm linking some photos of the break. What do you guys think? Can it be fixed?

A single break repair isn’t that difficult to manage. You could come away with a rod that “feels similar”. Repairs to four breaks in one section would be a different story. Others may differ with that opinion
I fixed a broken tip section more than 20 years ago, using a short section of a broken drill bit as a ferrule and a slow setting epoxy, actually golf club epoxy to make it permanent.

The rod is still used from time to time today. I think your problem will take several surgeries and will need a lot of metal which will affect the action and balance. Maybe a lighter ferrule material is known to someone.
Ouch tough break.

Listen im pretty good at digging up rare rods. Ive owned and still use some. I tried to find anything about yours and i couldnt also.
Sorry i couldnt help.

As far as your rod, i personally feel like it caught its last fish.

Any thoughts on material it was made from, length and weight?
Year of manufacture?

Those would give me clues as to how the action may have felt and maybe i could suggest an alternative rod.

Dont give up though. Maybe go over to fiberglass flyrodders and ask. Some pretty talented rod builders there.
I don't know if this is what you are looking for but here what i found.

I’d say even if repaired it might be for the sentimental value to hang on a wall... it won’t feel the same after the repair to that much damage. What were the specs of the rod ? Length..line weight ?
I'm sure it has great sentimental value, but I do not think you can repair it appropriately. Perhaps you could get it put together to, as Andy P said, hang on a wall. But, for fishing, if you have the money, I think you might want to get a new one of the same length and for the same line weight.

Sorry to hear of the breakage of the rod that obviously means a lot to you. Darn.
That rod is toast.

And if anyone tells you they can fix it, dont let them anywhere near your wallet.
Shadow Box display.

I lost an old Eagle Claw Rod that I bough 40 years ago and I still look for it in my dreams and daydreams. I know how it feels.........
Id really like to know the length , line weight and action myself.
Ive thinned my heard massively but if it matches up with a few i have id consider sending you a rod free of charge but it really depends on what you like.
I know how it feels to lose "that one" fishing rod.
I build my own rods and often modify blanks or repair rods with broken sections. I'll even match tip sections from one rod to other blanks. I'm far from picky about action and winding perfection.

Unfortunately, that rod is probably a total loss in my opinion.

There are ways to put it back together but the time and cost would be higher (I think) than the cost of replacing it and the finished rod would feel different and have reduced action.

As some have suggested, retiring the rod to a wall decoration would be one option. Another option might be to salvage the grip and reel seat and have them affixed to a new blank. Of course, this wouldn't be the same rod, but it would at least have some of the old one's parts and feel, but would still be difficult and costly.
Wasting your time fixing that...I'm sorry for your loss
Time to buy another. May the good rod RIP.
Thank you all for your input!

It's a 9' WF5. Not sure how to tell what it's made of. I think it's fast-action as it doesn't bend much while fighting fish. My dad bought it for me used from the owner of the local fly shop in town so I can only guess at a manufacturing year. Maybe 1997?

I like the idea of making a wall decoration out of it.

Here are a few more pics:

I'm never vacuuming again.
Tough break man. Sorry for your loss.
You can piece back to some shadow of its former self for the wall.

Keep your new rod in a tube and you will be able to vacuum with the best of ‘em.

This happened to guy at one of the early Catskills JAMS. Housecleaning spooled a guy clear up to the third snake guide. Said the reel really had a nice purr to it before the rod snapped.
Here's one on a Russian ebay-esque site:

With full respect to everyone who said that rod will never fish again, I'm going to disagree. You'll never repair it to its original condition, but you could certainly get it to a place where you could fish it.

I would hit up yard sales until you find a cheap rod and pick it up. Then use parts of that rod as inserts to fit inside and connect the broken sections. Hold the whole shebang together with a good quality epoxy and put down a layer of wraps over the new joints. For the tip top, I would just put a new one right over the broken tip.

You certainly loose some action doing this, but I had a rod that I fixed this way and got 5 more years of hard fishing out of it before it broke again and I called it quits.

If you go this route I wouldn't have it as my only rod, but it would make a fine 'sometimes' rod.
John96 wrote:

I would hit up yard sales until you find a cheap rod and pick it up.

Then just fish with that rod instead of chopping it up also.

The OP's rod is dead, dead, DEAD.