Did Lancaster get slammed this week? Is there anyplace those of us from SEPA can fish this weekend?

Got the point across, didn't it?

Legality doesn't mean its right, does it?!?
The dude that started this thread asked about places to fish in SEPA. I tell him what was happening in different areas and you guys get all crazy about people fishing because you think it's to hot? or they were fishing in a spot you think is holy cuz there is cold water there? or because I'm talking about a stream you like?

The OP of this thread, Fade, asked about trout fishing opportunities in SEPA. The reason he asked was two fold. First, he is aware of the marginal temps in the area and second he was concerned about water quality. He put a little thought into the trip before he left. I responded to him via email not only giving him plenty of fishing opportunities in the area but also offering to take him and show him a few. Your report added no benefit as he knew the Tully was too hot to fish . . . or too hot in the opinion on some.

the Tully is warm, no doubt about that. but how many people read what they see on the internet and believe it?

I would think that the vast majority of people here believe the stream reports on this site, as well as the wealth of information contained on this board.

I don't really rely on stream reports here, or anywhere. we all know things change, may be for the better, maybe for the worse. It's better to go to the stream and find out for yourself.

Is it better to go see for yourself because you can use the argument that you drove so far that "you might as well fish it since you are there"? Or could you simply go online and check the USGS stream gauge that clearly gives the temp for the hour, day, week, month, year, since inception? You can not believe the crazy boys on the internet, however you can certainly check out the unbiased USGS gauge. Additionally, in my broken link, it directs to the thread on stream conditions where the 2nd reply is from The Sasquatch who thanked me for posting info on the temps as it saved a trip for YOU and he as you guys were planning on fishing it. Seems it simply did not stop you. Don't sit here and bs that you didn't know, rather you simply didn't care. That's fine but it is what it is.

which brings us back to the original reason for this thread. I originally posted to tell the OP that the tully was warm and only 3 troutses were caught and that there was smallie action (because maybe he's into that...I don't know).

Back peddling. That is in no way what the report was meant for.

I like the jabs at our fishing abilities at the end, that was clever. I also like how you grouped us all together like we're some kinda group of conspirators coming up to sabotage you'r stream. you really got me! ROFL!

Sorry but ya, its sad if 3 guys pull 3 fish from that thermal refuge. They are stacked up in there and really opportunistic feeders early in the morning.

I was trying to respond to the OP, Jdizzle made it look like I was calling out DTU members for fishing when it was too warm, I was not trying to do that.

Absolutely not. How can you infer that I was trying to say you were calling out DTU members? You were there fishing with them. I was however amazed that a group of folks in a cold water conservation group would be pounding this small thermal refuge. But everyone needs to make their own moral decisions.

I didn't know that at 5am sat morning when I headed to meet my friends to fish. I don't think the DTU guys did either. nobody here is trying to hurt your stream. but why jump all over them for fishing it anyway after making the drive? it's not like it's in our backyard.

I would use the same logic for Penns. It's far and there is no telling what the water temps are at this point. If you drive all the way up there you might as well fish.

Regarding your personal attacks and discussions of my posting, I really don't care. I do find it interesting that you find me so detestable, when in fact your stupid posts are one of the few that I can't tolerate. Beyond that I will refrain from getting into this aspect.

here's another stupid post for ya, LOL.

I ask questions because I don't know the answers. I look online and do my own research but I still enjoy reading what more experienced local anglers think. I thought that's what the forum was for? I take what is said here over what google comes up with most of the time. while I don't get a look at all the threads on here pertaining to where I'm headed I do try to make conscientious effort.

the OP asked for places to go, I was out early on sat and the tully was rough. I told him. How am I to know that he knows that already?

then you post something like: "awesome, the water was only 74* today, thanks DTU"

I'm in no way associated with DTU, I'm not a member of TU. They were nice enough to talk to us at the parking area and let us know who they were. I did not want them to think I was calling them out because of your statement.

as far as stream reports online:
I have read many stream reports that were inaccurate. I take what they have to say into consideration but I don't let them dictate where I go. they are useful but at times inaccurate.

Example: the Orvis APP for iPhone has stream reports. TCO covers the Tully. the update says the Tully is in GOOD condition. the options for conditions include "excellent" and "fish somewhere else". why does the TCO say the Tully is good and not "fish somewhere else"?

so according to TCO the Tully is fine, according to you it is not. who do I base my decision on? Neither, I drive up and find out for myself.

I'm not trying to "BS" you J. I care enough about the Tully to try to make a "good call" on heading up there, whether you choose to believe it or not. I also live far enough away that it makes it difficult to decide to turn around when the water doesn't seem that bad. I didn't temp it, I should have.

backpedaling? not really, I was really trying to help. why would I post that only three troutses were caught when the fish are so obviously easy to catch? your implying I was doing something other than replying to Fade, I was not. just trying to help. I even told him that lanco streams were good to try to help him out. what was wrong with that?

as far as fishing prowess, that is pretty pathetic, huh!? again, I never attacked your fishing, I just commented about the sarcasm in relation to my reply. mainly because I don't know those dudes from DTU, that was the first time I met them. I posted that they were up there because it was interesting (to me) that they too drove up from lancaster, thats all. your post made it look like I was calling them out for fishing, I was not, you obviously are. thats up to you, you still couldn't let it go in the last post.

all in all dude, your pretty knowledgable, I do get good info out of your posts. I just get put off by the sarcasm, and I really did not like what I felt you were implying because again, I don't know those dudes. if you don't like my posts thats cool, LOL, I don't really post them for you : ) I don't have as much experience at it as you do obviously. But maybe if I practice I'll be the kinda troll you are...nah, I'm to busy targeting helpless fish in marginal water.

as far as the post from andy (the sasquatch) I never saw it until after all this. so, no, I was not aware of your post about it. take it for what it is. I didn't go up there in spite of you advice, I never saw it.

There was fishing around here (SEPA) this weekend, just not trout, nor big fish. Still tho it was refreshing, good to feel tugs and share all that with my son.

All ya gotta do is take advantage of what Mother Nature gives you.









Memories made, saved and savored.

OMG! Look how tall Dash is - makes me feel old. Wait, I AM old.

Dot - it's good to see you getting quality time with your son. Let me know if you'd like to get out for some trout fishing. There's plenty of streams around here that have temps that are perfect for trout, and the fishing has been terrific.

We're long overdue in wetting a line together, old friend.

I would clarify that the DTU part should not be involved in any portion of any of the posts from either Tim or my perspective. 2-3 members are typically not reflective of a 400-500 membership chapter. I know a lot of the guys at DTU and they are great folks who do really good things.
DotMan wrote:

My sister once commented about my matching coloured guide pants and shirt as being my "fishing jammies." I've ensured I've never worn the same shade simeltaneously since. Its a damned shame, coz I've only got one pair of the pants, and its my favourite shirt.

I only yell at my kids. Those memories will last them a lifetime, too. ;-)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
OMG! Look how tall Dash is - makes me feel old. Wait, I AM old.

Dash is an actual name or a nicknamed based on his old man's Dot?

Either way, it s pretty cool.
gfen wrote:
Dash is an actual name or a nicknamed based on his old man's Dot?

As best as I can recall, it is a nickname given to him back in the old VFS forum days.

It's to keep him safe from internet weirdos, that push kids off of swingsets, and the like. :p
gfens avatar is taking a ****. awesome.

You gave him the name at a Show he was helping me with back in 05 or 06. No one knew who he was in references made on the Forums until now. He is a long dash now.


That's my favorite fishing shirt and even if the combo looks like pjs, then what the heck I will just sleep in em too.

DotMan wrote:
That's my favorite fishing shirt and even if the combo looks like pjs, then what the heck I will just sleep in em too.

Don't look at me, blame her. And they are oddly comfortable like jammies.