Did Lancaster get slammed this week? Is there anyplace those of us from SEPA can fish this weekend?

DTU? Enlighten.
Yes do ?
Donegal Trout Unlimited I presume.
yes, Donegal Chapter of trout unlimited.

In their defense, they were fishing right at cacoosing creek. the water there was most certainly not 74*. It was very cool, I don't think they actually harmed or meant any harm to the three trout they caught.

I was just trying to poke at them if they read on here, I was not trying to call them out for fishing when Jdaddy thinks its inappropriate.


you seem to be an authority on the tully. were you on the stream saturday morning? were you fishing? how do you know it was 74*? what temp was cacoosing creek at 6am on the morning of august 20th 2011? I don't know...do you?

you seem to enjoy jabbing at people for anything. is sarcasm the only way you can express yourself? you could not have simply said: "the creek was running a little warm last time I checked, be careful out there." ?

lighten up man, I was not trying ruin your stream.

TimRobinsin :


you seem to be an authority on the tully. were you on the stream saturday morning? were you fishing? how do you know it was 74*? what temp was cacoosing creek at 6am on the morning of august 20th 2011? I don't know...do you?

you seem to enjoy jabbing at people for anything. is sarcasm the only way you can express yourself? you could not have simply said: "the creek was running a little warm last time I checked, be careful out there." ?

lighten up man, I was not trying ruin your stream.


I certainly am not an authority on the Tully, however I do know the Holy Trinity of the Tully pretty well. I know it was 74 because I can read. You could as well if you tried. Sure I know the temp of Cacoosing at 6:00 am on 8/20. You could as well if you tried.

I tried to deal with it in sarcasm instead of anger because it gets quite frustrating continually discussing the matter. I did quite clearly discuss the thermal issues of the Tully in the stream locations section of this site. It's still on the front page of that section.

The fact that the fish pretty much have a singular refuge on that stream and you choose to fish that small section to hammer highly concentrated fish seems pathetic to me, however you are free to do so. Kind of like shooting fish in a barrel in my opinion. Don't know why only three were caught. You guys should have cleaned up.

Edit: Wow. Look at the second post.

Tully Discussion Evidencing Complete Awareness Here
your link is broken. i'm not fixing it. i should be sleeping and this discussion is silly. you are unable to deal with people outside of sarcasm and fishing the thermal refuge in a stream is a BS move that anyone outside of their first two seasons should be ashamed of.

now, let's move on to discussing things we can all agree on: puppies are cute.
gfen wrote:
fishing the thermal refuge in a stream is a BS move that anyone outside of their first two seasons should be ashamed of.

Wait so I have another year of being able to fish thermal refuge? j/k
SBecker wrote:
Wait so I have another year of being able to fish thermal refuge? j/k

they teach you that up in that fancy club with the metal stringers, i bet. also, i didn't specify tackle used, so no, you are ineligable. puppies or kittens, vote on cutenessernessisity of them. it helps alleviate the bad vibes.
Puppies and kittens very cute. Dogs can become ugly, but somehow cats stay cute. Big floppy eared bunnies take the cake.
For crying out loud they are stocked fish, PFBC can make more!

I'm so sorry I didn't check with you before I went out, LOL. I should have PM'd you before I left, for permission, or at least enlightenment.

I'm glad your discussion is still front page news somewhere on here. The problem is: most of your responses are so dripping with sarcasm and self-righteousness that I try to avoid them completely. Thats my problem though. I should learn to get over your inability to express yourself without using your usual crutches.

You definitely have good posts, and I genuinely mean that. I am sorry you get upset about people fishing the Tully.

I like the jabs at our fishing abilities at the end, that was clever. I also like how you grouped us all together like we're some kinda group of conspirators coming up to sabotage you'r stream. you really got me! ROFL!

the Tully is warm, no doubt about that. but how many people read what they see on the internet and believe it?

I don't really rely on stream reports here, or anywhere. we all know things change, may be for the better, maybe for the worse. It's better to go to the stream and find out for yourself.

which brings us back to the original reason for this thread. I originally posted to tell the OP that the tully was warm and only 3 troutses were caught and that there was smallie action (because maybe he's into that...I don't know). then I posted a pic of the brown I caught out of a Lanco stream that was temping at 63* to let him know the streams down here were fine and not blown out.

is that ok with you? seesh!

TimRobinsin wrote:

only 3 troutses were caught

is this latin for trout?
fadeaway263 wrote:
TimRobinsin wrote:

only 3 troutses were caught

is this latin for trout?

i don't know, but i think its dripping with sarcasm and self-righteousness.

i hear the pfbc just poops 'em out of the back of the truck, anyways. so its cool, fish 'em all, they can make more of all three tasty flavours: brown, rainbows, and brookies. who cares? murder 'em up boys.

btw, for those of you just joining us, find a good trout stream that gets too warm for the fish, but has cold tributaries. Then, you fish where these tribs dump in! Gauroonteed fish! Hoo-eeee! Beats having to pick em out of the kiddie pool at the Little Lehigh, eh?
troutses- plural of trout...

that was my poor attempt at being funny...FAIL
Yeah, Gfen, your exactly right! thats what we were trying to do. find the easiest spot to catch those poor wittle troutses and tear them to shreds. if only I could be as savvy about trout fishing as you and Jdizzle.

you guys crack me up! LOL.

The dude that started this thread asked about places to fish in SEPA. I tell him what was happening in different areas and you guys get all crazy about people fishing because you think it's to hot? or they were fishing in a spot you think is holy cuz there is cold water there? or because I'm talking about a stream you like? whats the deal boys? why so serious? : )

If I read my original reply, I think:

gee, the tully sounds warm...better stay home, that guy only caught smallies up there. (I apologize to those of you who really like bass, I do too. but not enough to go out in search of them on a regular basis)

you two are cut from the same cloth, two wanna-be mods. you have nothing better to do than poke fun or judge people. if thats what the board is to you, great! I was trying to respond to the OP, Jdizzle made it look like I was calling out DTU members for fishing when it was too warm, I was not trying to do that.

I get what your saying: don't fish the tully. I wouldn't after saturday, it sucked. I love the tully, but yes, it's too warm. I didn't know that at 5am sat morning when I headed to meet my friends to fish. I don't think the DTU guys did either. nobody here is trying to hurt your stream. but why jump all over them for fishing it anyway after making the drive? it's not like it's in our backyard.

you guys think your just joking around but you come off very smug and unapproachable. you might like that. I really was trying to help this dude find spots to fish or not fish, not call people out or hurt your stream.

this does make for an interesting sunday afternoon though...LOL
gfen wrote:
fadeaway263 wrote:
TimRobinsin wrote:

only 3 troutses were caught

is this latin for trout?

i don't know, but i think its dripping with sarcasm and self-righteousness.

i hear the pfbc just poops 'em out of the back of the truck, anyways. so its cool, fish 'em all, they can make more of all three tasty flavours: brown, rainbows, and brookies. who cares? murder 'em up boys.

btw, for those of you just joining us, find a good trout stream that gets too warm for the fish, but has cold tributaries. Then, you fish where these tribs dump in! Gauroonteed fish! Hoo-eeee! Beats having to pick em out of the kiddie pool at the Little Lehigh, eh?
Dude, do you ever come up for air? lol
TimRobinsin wrote:
you two are cut from the same cloth, two wanna-be mods. you have nothing better to do than poke fun or judge people.

sweet jebus, if i were a moderator i'd have to actually exercise [d]some[/d] [d]more[/d] [d]a little[/d] more, definatly more, restraint. no, my wit and wisdom shines when its not shackled to responsibilities.

also, you're right. i don't have anything better to do. however, i think its right to point out that fishing thermal refuge is a lame thing to do, stocked or wild. if that shoe fits, wear it.

i don't have a dog in this race, i don't know you from adam and the tully is too far away to mean anything in my world. i've met jdaddy, and i enjoy his soft southern drawl, but i'm pretty sure we're not cut from the same cloth. same tailor perhaps, but different materials.
so are you saying its wrong to fish those thermal areas?
Some of the best fishermen in the country searched out those spots.
I don't know the rule-maybe the law says its illegal but just wondering.

legality doesn't mean its right. its legal for me to pick up highschool girls, knock 'em up and ditch 'em but any of you guys looking forward to the day your little girl introduces you a 35yo creeper as her new boyfriend?

your comparing fishing a cold water trim to that? WOW!

this is completely off-course.

and that response is really tactless. surely you could have thought of a better way to put that?
