De-Skunking - 2015 Version

I'm all for you guys keepin spots quiet, I hate giving my spots away to even my closest friends, but it gets boring fishing alone after a while. I only share them with those I know can keep a secret and who have similar ideals as me, i.e. catch and release, not overfishing, not fishing redds/walking over them etc.

Looks like a very fun stream. I'm about 2 hours away so no worries about my finding it or fishing it. I imagine there are a few people who know about it, but I agree not to post it on here. I find that some of the best (and my favorite) streams are the ones that you can't read about with a google search, even if you know the name. I would rather do the footwork myself.

Keep it up, and great fish. Some nice looking brookies for your area.
Anyone reading this thread and seeing the pictures that doesn't know the stream would not be motivated to figure it out. A thin creek and a small trout. This is not going to attract but a very rare few anglers.
I agree with that, Jack. When I was still in PA I lived about 45 minutes from this stream, I put it on my list of streams to check out if I happened to be driving within a few miles of it.
I'd fish it but I'm a small stream junkie. I agree that most guys are probably the opposite. I think I found it after a few minutes of investigating. Probably won't ever be out that way to confirm though.
What Jack said, if you fished it i think we ran into each other two years ago.
Swattie I love how this is your first post in like, half a year and you go and start a SB debate hahahahaha!
For the record, not that it needs recorded, but I have no clue what stream it is in the OP nor do I have any desire to seek it out. I'm lucky to have so much good water within a short drive that I'm not going to go on some goose chase on the other side of the river just to catch some tiny gems, I can do that within 15minutes of my doorstep.

But the description matched a stream I fished once a few years ago so closely that it was uncanny.
Squatch - I know. Good to be back.