De-Skunking - 2015 Version



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
It look longer than usual, but I caught my first fish of 2015 yesterday. There was only one outing previous to this with a 2015 license due to the weather and me moving, but was nice to get out, do some exploring, and catch a few fish. Definitely ready for more of this on a regular basis again.


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If that's the stream I think it is, I think March is the best time to get back there. I tried fishing it in June was way too choked up to fish it effectively.
I've still only fished that place once.

It's amazing how one so small can ice over like it has in recent winters and the fish find a way
Squatch - I'm pretty sure it is...I think we've discussed it before. Odd that the undergrowth is mainly mountain laurel and not multiflora rose as most streams in that area are. Yesterday was my first time there and that was a nice surprise...had an "upstate" feel to it.

Is the lower section down to the reservoir open to fishing? It looked posted up pretty tight to me. I only fished the part upstream of the main road since I knew that was open.
The lower section is in fact off limits
The pop in the lower stretch didn't seem that good anyway. It really seemed to tail off not far below the bridge. Definitely a neat little stream in a very unsuspecting place. A true gem!
that pic reminds me of something Sal always say about the color of the fish in that stream. good work!
Fortunately for you, I am not going to give your secret away. The op didn't, but your banter did.
Very pretty fish. That definitely is a cool little section of stream. I get through that neck of the woods very often but fish it very sparingly. It has probably been two years since I have fished it last. Nice photos.
So, I wonder how many streams like this there are...with old foundations nearby and a reservoir downstream?

Stumbled across this one a couple years ago, thought it might be the same, but it's different spot:
Yes it is a stream that I fish RARELY, and on purpose. As long as someone else is checking in on it every now and again, I'm glad to let it alone.

I did go down to the mouth of the reservoir once (right after it was drained), and fished my way upstream a while. I didn't see any posted signs at that time, but I also only caught like, 2 or 3 4"ers. Nothing worth noting.
tomitrout wrote:
So, I wonder how many streams like this there are...with old foundations nearby and a reservoir downstream?

Stumbled across this one a couple years ago, thought it might be the same, but it's different spot:

A lot, and they are all over the place. Places that you'd never expect to see them. Human impact reaches way back into the woods.
Glad the proprietors of this stream are keeping an eye on it. :roll:
Chaz wrote:
tomitrout wrote:
So, I wonder how many streams like this there are...with old foundations nearby and a reservoir downstream?

Stumbled across this one a couple years ago, thought it might be the same, but it's different spot:

A lot, and they are all over the place. Places that you'd never expect to see them. Human impact reaches way back into the woods.

yep, wherever there was a seem of some kind of ore, you'll find smelters and mines way back 'in country'. normally built or dug by one or two guys that would work for 2-3 weeks then head back to the trading post or local village to barter for food or tools.

in europe, in places like Wales and Cornwall, that dates back to biblical times, in North America back to the Vikings at least.

Nice stream, cool scenery. Seems like everyone on this board knows where it is. Glad you beat the skunk!
It seems that way, just 'cause we all know each other personally.
I intentially included the giveaway picture of the old stone foundation so that those who know the stream would know where I was. I trust that anyone who knows it, wouldn't call it by name in the context of this thread. For those that don't but have the ambition to, there's enough context clues that can be derived from the thread to narrow the field down...go find it.

It's clearly pretty well known amongst the subsect of PAFF that posted in this thread, but in general, it's not very well known and I doubt it gets fished much. I think it's likely that you could post a giveaway stream ID picture on the majority of wild trout streams in the Leb/Lanc/Berks area, and those same guys would be able to ID most of them. Glad I'm a part of that.

Has anybody fished from the mouth up?
There's pics of that stream on Instagram and as far as I know not from a forum member. I've never fished it but about 90% sure I can ID it. These places aren't as secret as everyone thinks. Doesn't mean we need to freely give spots away but you can find almost anything you want about even the tiniest streams thanks to the internet. Some just take more digging than others. Can't stand the snarky SB-ing comments.