DCNR meeting with PFBC over concerns about stocking invasive trout species in State Parks, State Forrests, and Wild Areas: Action Needed

you out “unwashed masses in quotes” i never said that. Infact my original post didnt mention any angler demographic at all, just a state agency protecting native species richness/biodiversity. You essentially said trying to prevent things from going extinct is elitism. I never mentioned, and still haven’t, any angler demographic. You inserted unwashed masses and talked about people “fishing “ for stocked trout and I just talked about their ecological effects. Fishing and conservation are two separate things and they different goals don’t pain conservation as fishing elitism.
Ahh, Fish Sticks…never change man…first, have you considered the irony of the handle “Fish Sticks”, the primary ingredient of which is a groundfish obtained primarily through the use of an otter trawl? Ever been on the deck of a dragger, Fish? I suspect not-dirty business that, Fish. Lotta bycatch shoveled back over the side to say nothing of what the rig does to the bottom. And then there is the fact they are diesel boats, with oily bilge discharge, fish shipped to plants in diesel trucks….yep, Fish, now fish sticks, THERE is a conservation issue worthy of really sinking your teeth into. But you may want to consider changing that name. If the Sierra Club finds out you could get drummed out of the ranks!

As I said you really don’t know me. Back before I suspect you were born my dad brought me a copy of Charlie Fox’s Wonderful World of Trout. If you are unfamiliar with the work I highly recommend it. The book is divided into two sections, non-fiction and fiction. In the latter, a young man picks up trout fishing and fishes for stocked trout. Later in the season he’s out fishing and as he’s working upstream he encounters two older anglers with fly rods sitting on a log waiting for a spinner fall. Of course he plows through the rise pool ruining the set up and the older anglers make some elitist sort of comment. Charlie Fox wondered what might have happened if, instead of being dismissive, the older anglers had taken the time to explain that there is another type of trout fishing. Food for thought.

Regardless, thanks for your response. It makes my case far more eloquently than I ever could have. Best of luck with your endeavor.
Ahh, Fish Sticks…never change man…first, have you considered the irony of the handle “Fish Sticks”, the primary ingredient of which is a groundfish...
Have you considered the possibility of his handle being a reference to a fishing rod (sticks), the primary ingredient in fishing? Ya never know...
Well, you know, actually I hadn't-given that there is a picture of an actual fish not a rod and the caption "Eat more brown trout" not "three weights forever" or "Bamboozle 'em with bamboo" or the like. Regardless, a pox upon me for a clumsy lout.
But, if it's rods not refreshment, come to think of it there is all that graphite mining to consider, to say nothing of the plastics that create fly line, and then, of course, there is the aluminum mining for the reels. Man, talk about by-catch there! And I wonder where all these computers are going to end up? Maybe we should be thinking "Save a brookie, ban a Chromebook"!
With all sincerity, best of luck and get out there and go fishing. It's too nice to be sitting around a forum today. Life goes by like the water rushing through Big Pine in the spring, and too precious to waste.
Ahh, Fish Sticks…never change man…first, have you considered the irony of the handle “Fish Sticks”, the primary ingredient of which is a groundfish obtained primarily through the use of an otter trawl? Ever been on the deck of a dragger, Fish? I suspect not-dirty business that, Fish. Lotta bycatch shoveled back over the side to say nothing of what the rig does to the bottom. And then there is the fact they are diesel boats, with oily bilge discharge, fish shipped to plants in diesel trucks….yep, Fish, now fish sticks, THERE is a conservation issue worthy of really sinking your teeth into. But you may want to consider changing that name. If the Sierra Club finds out you could get drummed out of the ranks!

As I said you really don’t know me. Back before I suspect you were born my dad brought me a copy of Charlie Fox’s Wonderful World of Trout. If you are unfamiliar with the work I highly recommend it. The book is divided into two sections, non-fiction and fiction. In the latter, a young man picks up trout fishing and fishes for stocked trout. Later in the season he’s out fishing and as he’s working upstream he encounters two older anglers with fly rods sitting on a log waiting for a spinner fall. Of course he plows through the rise pool ruining the set up and the older anglers make some elitist sort of comment. Charlie Fox wondered what might have happened if, instead of being dismissive, the older anglers had taken the time to explain that there is another type of trout fishing. Food for thought.

Regardless, thanks for your response. It makes my case far more eloquently than I ever could have. Best of luck with your endeavor.
Oh, brother. You told him he needs to "get over himself" and that he's an "elitist" out of the blue in a conversation you hadn't taken part in, and now you're poking fun at his username and espousing your literary knowledge by citing a popular vintage angling novel? It's the old "I'm right because I'm older" trope. I'm not sure his response was the "self-own" you think it was.

I'm not sure what relevance his knowing nothing about you has to do with anything. You started this with personal insults, mischaracterizing a comment (in a thread you hadn't participated in), and have now derailed the thread with personal insults and off-topic banter. The very thing so many here are outspoken about when the shoe is on the other foot. The only thing he needs to know is that you seem keen on placing words in other people's mouths and prefacing insults with "all due respect" of which you've shown none.
Oh, brother. You told him he needs to "get over himself" and that he's an "elitist" out of the blue in a conversation you hadn't taken part in, and now you're poking fun at his username and espousing your literary knowledge by citing a popular vintage angling novel? It's the old "I'm right because I'm older" trope. I'm not sure his response was the "self-own" you think it was.

I'm not sure what relevance his knowing nothing about you has to do with anything. You started this with personal insults, mischaracterizing a comment (in a thread you hadn't participated in), and have now derailed the thread with personal insults and off-topic banter. The very thing so many here are outspoken about when the shoe is on the other foot. The only thing he needs to know is that you seem keen on placing words in other people's mouths and prefacing insults with "all due respect" of which you've shown none.