Sorry for coming to this late.
troutbert wrote:
I thought you meant there was something in the unassessed waters PowerPoint that indicated that the best of the brookie streams today are likely to have populations similar to what they were in the past.
It should be considered as an open question. Do the best brookie streams today have populations that are lower, higher, or about the same as in the past?
Suppose you took a slice of the best brookie streams today, let's say the top 5%. Would to total populations of those streams be lower or higher or about the same?
I'd say about the same, maybe a little bit less. But here are a few things to consider.
First lets establish that this is to be an apples to apples comparison. make a lit of best 5% and compare them to the exact same streams before Europeans.
If you and I assessed all the streams and we both picked out what we think are the 5% best brook trout streams today, our lists would likely be different. My 5% would indeed have similar habitat to what they did before Europeans complete with LWD.
Now here is the kicker. If we come up with a lost of the best 5% of today and compare that to the best 5% back then. The best 5% today would have WAY less because they would be completely different streams. The best brook trout streams before Europeans arrived now likely are dominated by brown trout.
There are so many things to consider.
But back to your original question. I'd put the biomass of brook trout today (in PA) at less than 10% of what it once was before Europeans.
Probably less than 5%
For those that think it might be higher, here is an interesting math exercise.
Pull up the list of ALL class A trout streams. Now, count the number that are class A for Brook trout and divide that by the total.
The number is likely quite small and that is only percentage of stream sections. Consider that the class A for brook trout are the smallest, it is not much of a stretch to come up with 10% and that is likely very conservative.
I hope I didn't repeat someone else's. If I did, I apologize. The thread is long and I only read part way.