Critters waking up: frogs emerging


Glad to hear you're toughing it out down there!!

The peepers out back in the pond are in full chorus tonight after a really gorgeous day. Hope we get a repeat tomorrow!

salmo wrote:
Are you sure it was skunks causing that stink? Has anybody been campaigning in your area?


Good point. I like that one.

I have noticed quite a few Bernie Sanders adds starting in the past week, but the stench came long before that.

Plus there was all the roadkill.

Went for a walk along the lake last night. No peepers yet, but they a comin. Had a couple of skeeters got in the house last night.
Dead skunk in the middle of the road stinking to high heaven, remember that stupid song
Good point Salmo. I noticed a skunk y odors in the TV room. Must be all the political ads on the telle. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Good point Salmo. I noticed a skunk y odors in the TV room. Must be all the political ads on the telle. GG

Either that, or you have been sitting there way too long and maybe need to check your bandages.

Hope all is going well down there.
Chaz wrote:
I got a picture of a little frog a on Feb 25, I believe it was a Spring Peeper, but it was plain brown. Attached pic. They are peeping tonight.
The Garter Snakes have been on all the warm days, they spend the winter under our porch steps.

That guy has a great camo pattern!
Chaz, I think it's a wood frog Rana sylvatica. They are often out in early spring in wooded areas with vernal pools.
Here's a clip of their song,
Thanks Dave and Farmer. Tough being in the south in the "spring" . Wind on top of wind. Gusts in the 30's.
I am on the mend. No bandages ,staples are history. Dance Card is full of Dr. appointments. About ready to toss the cane and get behind the wheel and DRIVE. Hooray!! looking fore-ward to the Jam. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Thanks Dave and Farmer. Tough being in the south in the "spring" . Wind on top of wind. Gusts in the 30's.
I am on the mend. No bandages ,staples are history. Dance Card is full of Dr. appointments. About ready to toss the cane and get behind the wheel and DRIVE. Hooray!! looking fore-ward to the Jam. GG

Great to hear! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple months Art. In the meantime, take it easy.
Cheer up Gulf--we get to see the yearly mating ritual of the coral snake.
No doubt - the spring peepers have been singing here in Adams Co for at least the last week or two. Have seen some other frogs, and turtles are definitely out now too with the warm weather lately.