Critters waking up: frogs emerging



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Stuck my thermometer in the edge of Nockamixon Lake, upper Bucks Co today and as I did I saw a puff of mud develop under a submerged leaf. I touched the leaf and out swam a frog to a safer hiding spot on the bottom in about 2 ft of water. Water temp was 5 degrees C...about 41 F off the top of my head. I was surprised that at that temp that the frog was quite mobile.
The spring peepers are out here in VA, spring starts this week no matter what the calendar says.
I took the snow tires off my commuter Focus this past weekend. Most years I take them off about April 1st. With the 10 day forecast above 60 nearly every day, they'll start melting off if I leave them on this year though. They're way more expensive than the all-seasons I run the rest of the year so I try to get the most life out of them I can.

That being said, there will be one more measurable snowfall in SE PA before the warm is here to stay. Probably somewhere between March 15th and April 1st. My early removal of my snow tires guarantees it.

Sarce - You'll probably be ok in VA though.
Swattie I have a $1 bet with a coworker that we will not get more than 4" of snow before the end of March so I hope you're right about VA. There was still some on the ground in the mountains this weekend tho. No peepers up there
Skunks everywhere here. The neighborhood stinks every morning.
sarce wrote:
Swattie I have a $1 bet with a coworker that we will not get more than 4" of snow before the end of March so I hope you're right about VA. There was still some on the ground in the mountains this weekend tho. No peepers up there

Heavy and high roller, I see...

Snow's done. But I'm not betting on it.
^Lots at stake, that's 1/3 of a fly at orvis
I also removed my winter tires last week, but bought new all seasons. Needed them in the fall, put it off till spring by switching early, now I switched back early too.

We may get more snow but the ground will be warm and likely won't lay on roads. And at least my all seasons are brand new.
Yeah, my all seasons are shot too, and I too put off replacing them to this Spring. Down to 3/32 or so, which although they will pass inspection at, is realistically beyond the safe life of the tire for everyday driving. I remember last Fall, before switching over to the Winters, on rainy days I couldn't comfortably go more than 60 or so without some chatter in the steering wheel from brief hydroplaning. They're fine on dry roads still.

Ordered a new set on Sunday and figuring on getting it in the second half of the week to have them put on.

I typically run my Winters Dec 1st to April 1st on the average year. But it depends on the forecast in late November/early December and then again in March. This year I didn't put them on until the weekend after New Years with the warm December we had. All told I only put 3100 miles on them this year.

I too bet a coworker whether there would be another snow this year. I took yes, he took no. We agreed it had to be at least a steady few minutes of snow, not just flurries, but it didn't have to stick. The stakes are a Friday lunch at a pizza joint we go to. 2 cuts and a drink, or about $7.
sarce wrote:
^Lots at stake, that's 1/3 of a fly at orvis

Or a fly and a half at the discount outlets... You are right - that could be hours of entertainment and excitement on a stream somewhere..
I got a picture of a little frog a on Feb 25, I believe it was a Spring Peeper, but it was plain brown. Attached pic. They are peeping tonight.
The Garter Snakes have been on all the warm days, they spend the winter under our porch steps.


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My birthday is coming up and back in 1958 that was 24 inches of snow in 24 hours. It stands as the current record. Power was out all over Philly, we had to pack our groceries in the snow to keep them cold. We missed a week of school due to downed power lines. We also heard thunder during the storm. I was 9, it was scary.
I heard spring peepers for the first time this year when I was outside about an hour ago. And when I was out fishing last Sunday (2/28) I saw the first salamander Ive seen since fall.

MKern wrote:
Skunks everywhere here. The neighborhood stinks every morning.

My old lady mentioned this to me the other day. She travels alot for work and said she keeps seeing dead ones all over the highways.
Seriously with the skunks, I drive all over Berks for pool league and I've seen at least 2 dozen. Is it skunk mating season or something? ok, scratch that, google to the rescue, I guess it is indeed the skunk rut right now.

Interesting history Chaz, as an avid skier I always like to hear about snowstorms. At least we had one good one this year. It is starting to feel like fishing season though.

I'm gonna try and get my stepson in to bally early for school tomorrow, he enjoys when we can stop to fish for a few minutes before I drop him off.
steveo27 wrote:
I heard spring peepers for the first time this year when I was outside about an hour ago. And when I was out fishing last Sunday (2/28) I saw the first salamander Ive seen since fall.

MKern wrote:
Skunks everywhere here. The neighborhood stinks every morning.

My old lady mentioned this to me the other day. She travels alot for work and said she keeps seeing dead ones all over the highways.

Drove my daughter up to Butler from Pittsburgh a few times this past week/weekend for a basketball tournament they were in. Every time going up there, on Route 8, we would smell skunk spray.

At home where I grew up in Blairsville PA, there was a road where every spring you would smell something very strong and it was a huge patch of ramps near the road. That was a sure sign of spring for me.
Spring Peepers=Spring!!
MKern wrote:
Skunks everywhere here. The neighborhood stinks every morning.

Definitely a sign the spring is coming. Been seeing and smelling (but not on purpose) a lot of them to and from work for a couple weeks now.
foxfire wrote:
Spring Peepers=Spring!!

What's weird is I heard them in DECEMBER! It's been a strange winter, but I'm not complaining.
Oaks in bloom down here and the pollen is nasty leaving cars yellow and sinuses stuffed.. Tons of March wind if you fly kites ,Wife reminded me "March come in like a lion and goes out like a lamb". Temps in the 80's. Spring is here in The Sunshine State !! GG
Are you sure it was skunks causing that stink? Has anybody been campaigning in your area?
