Coronavirus and PA Fly fishing

the topic that i really have not heard mentioned is, the airline industry, you want to talk about a germ factory , the interior of a commercial aircraft , with all of the oxygen being recirculated and the amount people boarding through out the day, while i`m no longer in the industry, but when we changed the recir cabin filters...WOW.. just packed with dust... something to think about
To me, this seems like everyone is overreacting. If not, maybe there is something behind the scenes we do not know about and that they are not telling us.

Anyhow, I hope everyone on here (and elsewhere) stays well.

Good luck.
rrt wrote:
To me, this seems like everyone is overreacting. If not, maybe there is something behind the scenes we do not know about and that they are not telling us.

What this is all about is trying to keep everyone from getting sick at the same time. If that were to happen, there are simply not enough hospital beds to around.

Regardless of what we do, it looks like about half the country is going to get the virus, and somewhere around five to ten percent of those are going to require hospitalization. If that happens over a six month period, we have the capacity to deal with it. If it happens over a ten day period, as happened in Italy, many people who require hospitalization aren't going to get it, and the death rate will soar, with some educated estimates going as high as a million people.
I work in healthcare. I am a medical laboratory scientist; therefore I have a major role in this pandemic. While many employers are trying to implement work at home options, that is not possible in my laboratory. We must report to work 24/7; we do not have an option to close. The school cancellations will cause problems because parents will need to find day care. If no options exist, they will not be able to report to work. I have worked in this field before Hepatitis C and HIV were identified. The COVID 19 virus requires us to be vigilant and changes to our plans are constant. We have held drills similar to this where supplies were limited, travel was banned, etc. We are now following the pandemic plans developed as the result of these drills. Practice common sense and proper hand hygiene.
Diets and JMp, thank you for your professional and practical advice. This is or could be serious and to those who think otherwise, you are the greatest risk. Count on it.
Since all k-12 schools have been mandated to be closed for two weeks by Governor Wolf is the central PA fly fishing show still going to happen since its at a school?
You know i dont disagree with closures. I just like how suddenly the schools close leaving parents to wonder what to do because work didnt close.

Luckily i have a wife whose work is making her work from home. Not everyone is so lucky.

In the end , one multiple levels, this will financially cripple more than it will kill.
rrt wrote:
To me, this seems like everyone is overreacting. If not, maybe there is something behind the scenes we do not know about and that they are not telling us.

Anyhow, I hope everyone on here (and elsewhere) stays well.

Good luck.

Well it makes sense to cancel events that attract large crowds of people. A ball game with 50,000 people, by the odds would have a handful of people carrying the virus. That handful could infect hundreds. Those hundreds could in turn infect thousands in daily life. And those thousands might infect tens of thousands.....and so on.

Hopefully we can stem the tide early by limiting contact with other people and get through this ordeal with the least amount of illness and get back to normal life soon.

Bobbop89 wrote:
Since all k-12 schools have been mandated to be closed for two weeks by Governor Wolf is the central PA fly fishing show still going to happen since its at a school?

No. It has been canceled for this year.
For those posting show updates, thank and thanks for also posting those updates on the Fly Fishing Events and Meet-ups section.
Im sitting on Spring Creek right now. Lots are empty.
The Governor’s order is that K-12 schools are closed for
ten business days starting March 15.

Mike wrote:
No PennKev, the Governor’s order is that K-12 schools are closed for ten days starting March 15.

He was referring to the Central PA Fly Fishing Show, not the schools.
Sorry about that PennKev. My mistake. Both topics were in the same paragraph and I got confused by the term “for this year” beyond the word cancelled.
Here is an article that explains how implementing protective measures avoids the surge at healthcare facilities during a situation like this. As someone mentioned above, the idea is to keep everyone from getting it at the same time.

yes, its NPR. Most of the other links to the same info required a subscription. I know how everyone loves those.

BTW, I've been on both sides of the unexpected parent at home situation. Its a sacrifice. That's why "parent" is a verb and a noun. Next time someone complains about how much teachers make, tally up those daycare costs and see what a deal you're getting.

I cancelled my mid April trip to Mexico because I'm in the high risk group and don't want to be in an airport with thousands of potentially sick people milling around. I don't think that this, or any other virus, is going to alter my fishing plans for the next couple of months. I usually fish alone anyway and don't visit fly shops.

I have a trip to MT planned for two weeks in late June and early July. My airline ticket was free with points on a credit card. The room deposit can be carried over to next year if I chose not to go. It is too early to consider cancelling that trip at this time.
They have closed Country Parks in Chester from 3-14 til 3-30 for starters. Sadly Hibernia is 7 min from me and I finally found some good pan fish yesterday though I was spinning due to the high winds. That said I was looking forward to catching some gills and perch on my fly rod. The silver lining is the perch spawn will probably be protected.
Re: Coronavirus and PA Fly fishing

I was going to contact the PAFBC to see if they could stock streams earlier this year and open fishing season sooner so those kids that have off school for the next few weeks could go out and enjoy the streams and nature during this great early spring weather.

That's a little too close for comfort to the early opening of he trout season in Australia in the movie "On the Beach".
Van Cleaver the Park itself off limits or are just any County facilities/buildings closed ? I was gonna kayak by the dam for some panfish if I’m off work
I did some social distancing yesterday.

