Cool as a cucumber



Jun 30, 2018
Been a long while since I posted on here and probably even longer since I've been out is funny like that sometimes. I'm asking if anyone can recommend some streams within maybe 3 hours drive from the Philly area that stay cool enough in the heat of the summer to fish? No honey spots needed, just point me in a direction is all. My father passed away a couple weeks ago and I will have a week off before starting a new job so I want to kind of honor him with as much trout fishing as possible that week. He was the one who introduced me at a very young age to trout fishing like the majority of trout fishermen in the city, we would throw worms at the stocked trout in the city creeks and from there my love for the hobby grew. Problem is, I usually take the summers off from fishing for trout and try my hand at bass when the heat goes up. I'm thinking of exploring LanCo, does that sound like a good plan to you? The week will be the first week of July so I'm planning on stream temps to be way up there by then unless we get a good rain. Thank you for your input in advance! Oh, and Valley is already on my list as he had a keen interest in history.
Sorry for your loss. Most years the streams in Lancaster area would be too warm to safely fish for trout. You will need to look at either limestone creeks or possibly tail water creeks. Before the recent rains and cooler weather a lot of streams in this area were already in 60s
Thanks! Sorry, I was under the impression that the majority of Lancaster streams were limestones. I will spearhead my search towards limestone streams then.
You can cover much of the northeast in 3hrs from Philly. Heck from Williamsport I can be in North Philly in 2.5hrs. Lots of options depending what experience your looking for ad long as we get some rain.
Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. I know how that hurts. I can't help much with Lancaster county streams, but best of luck to you.
Thank you guys, I appreciate the condolences. I'm really only looking for streams that will be cool enough to fish for trout, not even looking for certain species, numbers, or sizes honestly.
The only for sure streams that will be cool enough are the true limestoners. Valley creek is right in your neighborhood, the popular Lehigh Valley limestoners are another local option.

If we are in drought conditions these may even be on the warmside.
I've fished Valley before and I'm definitely going again. I've actually had the best luck at the recreational park followed by the historical park. The preserve has been good as well but it's very small. Can anyone recommend some streams in the Lehigh Valley that has decent public access? That's certainly within driving distance for a nice day trip. Thank you again!
Little Lehigh is your best bet. Depending on how cool June is Monocacy, Saucon, and possibly the Jordan.

I've fished the Little Lehigh on days the air temp was 98 but the water was so cold my feet turned blue.

Make sure you have small midge patterns. Size 20 or 22.
By early July terrestrials as well.

Thanks tabasco_joe, the Little Lehigh is for sure on my list too but might not make the cut this go-round.
You might consider the Tulpehocken. Below the dam is cool enough now and we are supposed to get some cooler weather soon which will help. Also the fact that you can check the temp and flow on the USSG is helpful. Condolences as well.