Congratulations Dave Kile!

AWESOME!! congrats Dave!
Congrats Dave and thank you for making this one of the top flyfishing forums in this country.
Dave: Congrats. for an honor well deserved...who would have thought way back when that the site would take you here. YOU ARE THE BEST.

Congratulations well deserved. And also to the rest of your team that helps make this site to be one of the best fly fishing sites out there.
Late catching up on this thread I know, but congrats Dave. Very well deserved no doubt. All of your work here and elsewhere is very much appreciated by the folks who enjoy this site.
I realize I am a little late, but could you e-mail info. re. the T.U. dinner honoring Dave. Thanks, Ron
I hadn't seen it either. Thanks for bumping it Ron.

Careful Dave, banquet is tomorrow and this could be a trap. Make sure you wear the tin foil. ;-)

From all accounts, it was a nice event:


Tom (Afishinado), Dave Kile, Maurice. They clean up pretty well.
Congratulations Dave,

You supply and help huge community of anglers with your commitment and consistency. I can tell; you spent countless hours to create, contribute, moderate this portal and help many of us. What a work, what a man!


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A very nice evening and really excited to be honored last night with such a wonderful award from Justin Pittman and all at Cumberland Valley TU. Good to meet Tomitrout and many others members of the chapter.

I almost didn't recognize Maurice Chioda, Dave Weaver and Tom Ciannilli with their ties on! We missed you Jack. Glad we could share this together. Nice surprise to have my friends Ron Kolman and Greg Sipos drive in from Indiana, Pa.

More to share on this with a blog post soon and I hopefully will be able socialite Professor Weavers help.

This is a great honor for not just me, but real compliment to all the contributors to Paflyfish.



Congrats Dave as this is very much deserved. On a personal note I would like to thank u as well. Driving home from the LL today I realized if it wasn’t for I probably would’ve spent countless $$$ and time on some FF lesson, school’s, etc, and taken what ever I learned that day/weekend and try to teach myself.

Considering I started this journey 2 years ago (41 @ the time), not having any friends who fish, and having no where to turn with all the questions and concerns a new fisherman has especially after lessons and trying to absorb so much …. I would’ve given up in frustration and would still be spending my free time chasing a white ball arnd the lynx trying to break 85. Probabaly wouldn’t of thought much of it, chalked it up to something I tried, and moved on without much thought. This place has given me alot from fishing to friendships and I know it has for many others. Just wanted to say thanks and much appreciated.

Congrats again on the award.
I'd like to add my congratulations to the Chorus!

This site, along with Dave Kile, the moderators, and the contributors has allowed me to progress quickly in this wonderful sport. I especially appreciate the sense of community that is fostered here (and few other places on the internet).

Many thanks. Well deserved!