Congratulations, Bill Anderson



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Congratulations to Bill Anderson, president of the Little Juniata River Association, for his selection as a "Hero of Conservation" in the present issue (March 2014, P. 29) of Field and Stream. He is truly deserving of this honor for all of the work he and the LJRA have done: stream work, clean ups, and obtaining access. Anyone who fishes the LJR should be grateful for all he has done and ought to be pleased for Bill.
Some very good news. Well deserved indeed.
I agree 100%. Bill and the LJRA do some tremendous work for the river.
Congratulations Bill! Your work with the LJRA has been outstanding. You deserve it. What a great river you have helped. I want to personally thank you for all of your hard work.
I have only ever had the pleasure of fishing the LJ once. It was a a few years ago on a slow spring weekday morning. One spot I fished was across from a quarry at a lot where the quarry water trucks load up. While I was there a fellow stopped to check the water. We talked a while and he gave me a lot of info on the stream. I later found out it was Bill. He had excited me enough about the LJ that I became a life member of the LJRA.

I need to make some time this spring for a return trip. Congrats, Bill. :)