That turkey wing over the CDC is for catching fishermen Jay.....eye fly , but they DO make 'em look nice.
No doubt, the little stones are on the move. I spent some time on a local creek today and they were scurrying around. When I got home, there was one crawling on the front of my house. Don't know where he came from as there are no creeks anywhere near my house.
Happy to see him anyway. :)
Fishidiot wrote:
Don't know where he came from as there are no creeks anywhere near my house.

He's gonna need a lift back to the creek tomorrow, so you might as well oblidge and blow off work.
osprey wrote:
That turkey wing over the CDC is for catching fishermen Jay.....eye fly , but they DO make 'em look nice.

I am well aware. If I need to crank flies out, I don't bother.

But I like to put a few in there for show or for an extra shot of confidence when I need it on the stream. What can I say, I enjoy tying.
I use a gray fluttering caddis pattern when stoneflies hatch, in sizes #14 and #16.

body - muskrat dubbing
wing - gray deer hair
hackle - dun
JayL.......aren't they just a joy to tie and THEN being able to know that you WILL catch fish if the hatch comes is priceless , the confidence thing is one of the best parts of this game , to have confidence , in your abilities , your flies , your equipment etc. and NOT let it go to your head , 'cause the minute you do you will be humbled. That gentle understanding between self and mother nature.....what a feeling. dryflyguy..............THE STONES are the best at shaking all that RUST off , it's the first one and doesn't require anything fancy , it's the one that breaks the ice npi.......THAT pattern says it all and i KNOW that will work. ALL you folks that fish this early hatch , try Z-LON or ZING for your wing on the dry , flies tied with these synthetic wings are the most durable i've ever fished. I still like to tie using other materials for winging but end up back at Z usually.
heres what i plan on using hares foot caddis but only i have modified it to my liking using black hares foot tied sparsly and instead of dubbing im using a black cdc feather and moose mane antennae pics to come shortly
ooh also i use a longer curved caddis hook this should also work for grannoms :) sorry for the crappy pic


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Hey, lookie there. Down wing Usual. I'm in.
i can only tie hari wings my down wings always lay on their sides so i dont tie them plus they take too much time i hope that floats good might be hard to see though

osprey you got a pic of one with a z-lon wing? will antron work too?
Hackless cdc=wet fly-that is probaly why it is so deadly come grannom time-you are cheating or rather wet fly fishing.
so you dont think that will float? even with the snowshoe hare and frogs fanny?
For a cast or two, but I am willing to bet that fly gets more takes on a swing out.
100% disagree with sundrunk on this one.

Stacking cdc and using it as downwings works very well, and it floats just fine. It is absolutely not a wet fly, though it can be fished as one. The floatation of the cdc is such that it will pop to the surface if you pull it under, which can be killer. It's no different than a cdc comparadun, which also floats fine. I tie them the time. I rarely use hackle because it's expensive and annoying to work with.

That said, when tying cdc downwings, I take the amount of cdc I think I need and double it. You can always take some off later. IMO, that wing does not have enough material.
So would you call it a hybrid? I have no problem with the fly-it's a fish sticker to be sure, but I find even with my hackled flys I get more takes on swing outs, while fishing over caddis events. I have aways considered the grannom a wet fly, fishermans, hatch, so it makes sense to fish it wet. When fishing grannoms on the dry it always seems like you end up swinging it wet.
You know all about my experience with the grannoms last year. 90% of my fish were caught on dead drifted cdc and elks.
heard that! why float or swing when you can minesweep
USe a Black deer hair winged caddis pattern or the equivelent of a henryville special in black. That's what I use and it's very effective. I haven't fished the hatch in a few years, sometimes it's over as soon as it begins, with bugs all hatching at one time and returning to the stream within a couple of days.
Henryville Special??? 2 eggs any style , your choice , ham , bacon , sausage , scrapple. Homefries toast coffee........$3.99, grease it up it'l float flip..........seriously don't grease cdc , when it starts to sink use the powder on it , in the case of elk/deer hair use a Little bit of either paste or liquid floatant till it starts to sink then powder it. Flip......that fly in the pic will work just fine for these stones and YES , once it starts to sink it will still catch fish , to get your wings to end up on top start binding them back towards your body , i wish i could put up pics but i can't so...........let me say that antron will work but z-lon works better and just exchange the deer/elk hair for the yarn or z-lon and tie it so it ends up looking like the one in your pic , which is nice btw.
thanks guys the one in the pic the wing is snowshoe hare just to clarify that i almost cannot wait to try this to see how it work ill report back when i finally get out to try it thanks for the advice and opinions