Colors Of Wooly Buggers

AFish........that olive green one with black hackle and black marabou is the A list one fer sure , couple strands of black flashabou in the tail and i'm good to go , from size 4-14 and smaller.
gfen............peacock herl works great too specially on the small ones. Good one.
I never understood the logic in fishing such small streamers though. (in reference to osprey's post about 4-14...) The smallest streamer in my meat box is like 4 inches, insert jokes now...

I've had good luck with olive streamers for trout on the little J (David will back me up on this). Try swinging them through a riffle as opposed to stripping in a slower pool.
bluewing...........i'm not sure a wooly bugger is a streamer , in the larger sizes i guess it's more like a streamer but the 14's are more like swimming nymphs , always referred to buggers as attractors.
osprey wrote:
bluewing...........i'm not sure a wooly bugger is a streamer , in the larger sizes i guess it's more like a streamer but the 14's are more like swimming nymphs , always referred to buggers as attractors.

A wooly bugger is whatever you want it to be. I feel the same way that Bluewing does though. I only really got started meat tossing over the summer but I dont understand a size 8-14 bugger anymore. I dont fish streamers for small fish, when I'm fishing for streamers I wanna catch big fish, so I fish big bugs. Size 2-4 with stringers and around 3.5 to 6in long. I think I'm going to start tying tube flies as well.

As for how to fish them check this out.

Not only does he tie a great fly he tells you how to fish it. Read/ watch anything you can from Kelly, I've learned alot from him.
Read/ watch anything you can from Kelly, I've learned alot from him.
Though known best for his streamer tactics, his nymphing video is very solid as well. Good stuff. He seems to get it and be willing to share it.
Yeah, his nymphing video is pretty good. He fished with split and an indicator (nothing wrong with this...), but his methods and explanition of the different rigs are in-depth. I like the right angle indicator setup for certain situations.
yeah I think he wrote a book about spinners as well
Not meaning to hijack but why do they call a green drake spinner a "coffin fly"? Are you folks that are fishing size 2 and 4 wooley buggers fishing for trout or smallies or salt?
Here's a story about the name:

I fish 2 and 4 buggers for trout and smallmouth.
Not meaning to hijack but why do they call a green drake spinner a "coffin fly"?

The "Coffin Fly" has become the moniker for the spinner of the Eastern Green Drake (Ephemera guttulata) . The term was coined by Ted Townsend, co-creater of this particular dressing, as he tied the first prototype after attending a funeral. Although I am unsure of the exact details, Ted and Walt Dette created the pattern together to represent the then-prolific green drake spinner fall.
Thank You jayL and jdaddy , good info and pics , i like the 3 hackle fly , they float like corks and will respond well to a good dose of the powder type floatant to "deslime" them after you C n R a fish or three. I wonder if the funeral they attended was in the Catskills , close enough to a stream that maybe there was a spinner in the casket? Too morbid? Oh well. Thanks again guys.