cold water - warm socks



Jun 23, 2010
Any suggestions? My tootsies get mighty cold in this winter water.
I had a beast of a time trying to find thermal socks, ****'s finally paid off.

I don't remember what kind they are, though.

I've been thinking abotu electric socks recently. :)

Well, heck. "Battery Heated Wader Socks." Power brick's on a cord. Smart. $20. I know wht I'm buying.
The idea of wearing electric socks under the waterline kinda scares me a bit.
If I had to run an extension cord to a wall socket, maybe. 4xAA batteries, or even a pair of 9vs doesn't worry me.

You never put your tongue on a battery to test it?!
I have honestly wondered why we don't hear about that. They use 9V afaik.
Hear abotu whaT?
electric socks make feet sweat.
cotton socks do the same
they have special socks that wick away the moisture-try Dan Baileys
Almost look like dress socks but they work under pair of wool socks.
Alpaca Socks
I have a pair of Wigwams that are phenomenal. They're a wool/synthetic blend and I wear a regular cotton sock under it then put my Wigwam over it and they're heaven!
gfen wrote:

Well, heck. "Battery Heated Wader Socks." Power brick's on a cord. Smart. $20. I know wht I'm buying.

Hit or miss on reviews. Good thing you have acknowledged no qualm with returning things at Cabelas.
I use a Nike dri-fit sock under a 100% wool sock. 100% wool socks are hard to find anymore but obviously the higher the percentage the better.

The real key though is to put these socks on right before you put your waders on. Don't put them on at your house drive to the stream with the heat blasting and expect your feet not to sweat.

Wet feet = cold feet. Take the time to put dry socks on
A good pair of poly pro. socks under Orvis wading socks. And add cayenne pepper to your feet. opens the blood vessels.
Use Filson wool socks they are the best and they come in different weights
Don't tie your boots too tight. Tight boots = cold feet no matter what kind or how many socks you are wearing.

Merino wool socks over normal cotton socks are usually more than enough. Long underwear keeps the rest of my legs warm.

jdaddy wrote:
Hit or miss on reviews. Good thing you have acknowledged no qualm with returning things at Cabelas.

I have a 90 day window to test the product to my satisfaction.

Longest I ever did was 364 days on a one year return limit. That was rude of me. Wonder which rod I rolled that money into?
Fredrick wrote:
Use Filson wool socks they are the best and they come in different weights

Holy schnikies (sp) $32 for a pair of sox big baller
I've seen stun guns that use 9 volt batteries do a number on someone. I'm guessing there is something in the unit that steps up the electric delivered to the poor sucker zapped but I think I'll stick with conventional socks.
thin dress socks, then wool. Works like a charm.
cotton is a no-no