Clark's Creek this weekend?



Active member
Feb 27, 2016
Planning to be in the area this weekend and was thinking about hitting Clark's Creek fly area for a few hours at first light Saturday. Any suggestions?
Just a heads up, even though it's a tailwater, it is quite low right now due to little rain.
Thanks for the heads up!
It’s a top release over the spillway at Dehart Dam. The Patriot News used to publish “inches over spillway” on the weather page which was a good guide. PennLive dummified the “paper” a few years ago and stopped showing that info. I have been unable to find the measurement on line. Anybody know where this info is now?
It's a bottom release until the inflow exceeds the outflow, then it comes over the spillway too. When no water is coming over the spillway it is strictly a bottom release.
Clarks is one stream that the WT will go up in higher water if the flow is over the top, thus mixing in the warm water on top of the res. with the bottom flow cold water..