Choosing a Line

I dont have a spreadsheet (good idea) but do have a notebook with the specs and tapers of lines from #4 to #9. In addition I note which line is on each reel and the date it was cleaned.
I dont have a spreadsheet (good idea) but do have a notebook with the specs and tapers of lines from #4 to #9. In addition I note which line is on each reel and the date it was cleaned.

I do something similar with fly reels with the exception of recording the last cleaning... 😉

Because I have a preferred static balance point on my rod & reel combos, I have a spreadsheet with the specs (especially the stated empty weight) of every reel I own and what rod it is pared with, making note of the rod length, material it is made from and the line weight I use on that rod. Interestingly enough, I don't bother with the rod weight.

If I buy a new rod, 🤣 it is a simple matter to compare the new rod specs to a similar rod and immediately know what reel will give me my preferred balance. IF I decide to buy a new reel, it is a simple matter to figure out how much that new reel should weigh.

This spreadsheet like the other with line tapers has saved me a LOT of time and money on experiments.
I too record the same reel info including date of purchase and price. Some reel companies remove reel specs on older models. I try to save catalogs such as Feather Craft and Orvis.
I too record the same reel info including date of purchase and price. Some reel companies remove reel specs on older models. I try to save catalogs such as Feather Craft and Orvis.

Make sure you also record the reel's serial number (IF it has one), the year the reel was issued by the manufacturer and the model number for further clarification.

I don't know about the fancy high tech reel makers, but Hardy constantly reintroduces reels that may look the same, be the same diameter and available at the same time from dealers. However they have different model numbers and sometimes slightly different specs.

As an example, the Hardy LRH Lightweight has been re-introduced at least 7 times since the early 2000's but all have different model numbers. Also the last two iterations of the Orvis CFO (2013/2024) have different specs.

In regards to older stuff, I have good luck using the Wayback Machine to find old catalog pages.

Another good source of old info, at least for "classic reels" is the "Reel Papers sticky" on the Fiberglass Flyrodders Classic Reels forum page.
SciAngler Mastery DT 4wt is and has been my go to for my Winston 8.5' WT. Perhaps the best line in their lineup IMHO.