Cherry Run access area for Penns



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I've heard from a several sources that the access in the Cherry Run area of Penns will be more restricted but have not been given any details about the situation.

This is what Bruce from Penns Creek Angler wrote on his site:

"This year you are going to see some big changes with parking especially around the Cherry Run Area and the Dead-End Parking lot. Prepare yourself."

Doesn't sound good.

Does anyone have any insight as to what has happened or is happening in the area?
The private property owner at the Cherry Run bridge has fenced in his land. This is the land between Weikert/Winters Road and the creek.

I was at the parking lot Sunday and did not see any changes or any notices pertaining to changes. I'll be back again Friday and can report back.
I get it. And the need for it.

Once the lot at the end gets full (15-20ish vehicles), which is common on weekend days from April through the Drakes, it becomes a free for all. Vehicles parked everywhere to the point you can barely drive down the road to get to the lot at the end. Imagine if they had to get emergency vehicles back there for any reason.

I have no problem with this. Cherry Run is marginally closer for me to get to than Poe Paddy, but I much prefer Poe Paddy due to the better parking options. I probably go to Poe 10 times for every one time I go to Cherry Run. Only time I go to Cherry Run anymore is if I know I’ll be at the lot by dawn, or thereabouts, and will be certain to get a spot in the lot.
The private property owner at the Cherry Run bridge has fenced in his land. This is the land between Weikert/Winters Road and the creek.

I was at the parking lot Sunday and did not see any changes or any notices pertaining to changes. I'll be back again Friday and can report back.
I know the property owner and have stayed in the house there many times. As far as I know he still owns it. He must have gotten tired of people traipsing all over his property without asking permission. I've been there when people came up and asked permission, and he always said yes. Alot of people just don't respect private property these days.
A recent Troutbitten podcast mentioned that section (not by name mind you, but you can put 2 and 2 together) and said that the owner got tired of guides taking clients down there (guiding on that creek and others around there has gotten ridiculous so I don’t particularly blame him.). Between that and the stupid YouTubers filming themselves breaking off fish it’s not even worth fishing the blue ribbon water on weekends anymore.

Probably added a lot more pressure to the spot and I reckon I’d get salty too about people making a bunch of money prostituting my land. Not sure if that was the only reason, but it’s a real shame. Was always a favorite spot to hit around dawn when driving up from eastern PA or one last quick hit for a few more fish on the drive out.

PFBC could spend some money trying to establish some easements with these private landowners- instead they focus on stocking invasive rubber trout over wild and native fish populations while access dries up . Sad…
I am sure I am going to get lambasted for saying this....I don't understand the need to hire a guide to wade fish. The thought of fishing these creeks with someone standing there telling me what to do and tying on flies for me that look like jewelry takes the appeal out of the whole scene for me.
A recent Troutbitten podcast mentioned that section (not by name mind you, but you can put 2 and 2 together) and said that the owner got tired of guides taking clients down there (guiding on that creek and others around there has gotten ridiculous so I don’t particularly blame him.). Between that and the stupid YouTubers filming themselves breaking off fish it’s not even worth fishing the blue ribbon water on weekends anymore.

Probably added a lot more pressure to the spot and I reckon I’d get salty too about people making a bunch of money prostituting my land. Not sure if that was the only reason, but it’s a real shame. Was always a favorite spot to hit around dawn when driving up from eastern PA or one last quick hit for a few more fish on the drive out.

PFBC could spend some money trying to establish some easements with these private landowners- instead they focus on stocking invasive rubber trout over wild and native fish populations while access dries up . Sad…

Not being argumentative, and I agree with you 100%, but IMO access isn’t the issue there. Park at the Cherry Run lot and hike upstream and you have miles of public access. There’s also good (privately owned) access below that all the way to Weikert, and below. The issue at Cherry Run in particular is the parking. That lot at the end isn’t big enough to handle the angler usage that takes place, specifically on weekends in the Spring hatch season. The lot fills up and then bad parking behavior begins. I’m with the landowners on this one. The best thing the PFBC could do IMO is figure out a way to make more parking, though, this may require additional land acquisition which would complicate things.

As anglers, in the meantime, the best thing we can do is be respectful of the private landowners back there. Park in the lot, or one of the larger, obvious pulloffs. If you can’t get there early enough to ensure you can get a parking space that doesn’t involve parking in someone’s lawn and/or partially blocking the road, fish down toward Weikert, or just go to Poe. Both of those areas have plenty of parking options that don’t encroach on private landowners.

Edit: In thinking about it, the Cherry Run access on Penns is where I’ve seen the most consistent and worst angler parking behavior in the state. Barree Gorge lot on the Little J takes the silver medal.
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Not being argumentative, and I agree with you 100%, but IMO access isn’t the issue there. Park at the Cherry Run lot and hike upstream and you have miles of public access. There’s also good (privately owned) access below that all the way to Weikert, and below. The issue at Cherry Run in particular is the parking. That lot at the end isn’t big enough to handle the angler usage that takes place, specifically on weekends in the Spring hatch season. The lot fills up and then bad parking behavior begins. I’m with the landowners on this one. The best thing the PFBC could do IMO is figure out a way to make more parking, though, this may require additional land acquisition which would complicate things.

As anglers, in the meantime, the best thing we can do is be respectful of the private landowners back there. Park in the lot, or one of the larger, obvious pulloffs. If you can’t get there early enough to ensure you can get a parking space that doesn’t involve parking in someone’s lawn and/or partially blocking the road, fish down toward Weikert, or just go to Poe. Both of those areas have plenty of parking options that don’t encroach on private landowners.

Edit: In thinking about it, the Cherry Run access on Penns is where I’ve seen the most consistent and worst angler parking behavior in the state. Barree Gorge lot on the Little J takes the silver medal.
the status of that private access down to Weikert is tenable at best. Last time I parked at the lower parking area I saw a sign that the landowner posted regarding people sh*tting there 😂. I’ve seen that access in more than a few YouTube videos in the past year or two (none of which provided any value beyond maybe some ASMR of watching guys who don’t know how to fight good fish). A few more of those spots get shut down and everybody’s gonna be holding hands fishing the 3.5 miles of project water. This year’s drake hatch is gonna be real rough because there’s been a lot of high water and now everybody’s trying to hammer the same 10 miles of water at the same time.
the status of that private access down to Weikert is tenable at best. Last time I parked at the lower parking area I saw a sign that the landowner posted regarding people sh*tting there 😂. I’ve seen that access in more than a few YouTube videos in the past year or two (none of which provided any value beyond maybe some ASMR of watching guys who don’t know how to fight good fish). A few more of those spots get shut down and everybody’s gonna be holding hands fishing the 3.5 miles of project water. This year’s drake hatch is gonna be real rough because there’s been a lot of high water and now everybody’s trying to hammer the same 10 miles of water at the same time.

I always just park in the lot at Weikert. I’ve personally never had an issue finding a spot there. Including Memorial Day weekend. FWIW.
I always just park in the lot at Weikert. I’ve personally never had an issue finding a spot there. Including Memorial Day weekend. FWIW.

Not anymore since you posted this. PARKING SPOT BURNER 🔥 🔥 🔥
the status of that private access down to Weikert is tenable at best. Last time I parked at the lower parking area I saw a sign that the landowner posted regarding people sh*tting there 😂. I’ve seen that access in more than a few YouTube videos in the past year or two (none of which provided any value beyond maybe some ASMR of watching guys who don’t know how to fight good fish). A few more of those spots get shut down and everybody’s gonna be holding hands fishing the 3.5 miles of project water. This year’s drake hatch is gonna be real rough because there’s been a lot of high water and now everybody’s trying to hammer the same 10 miles of water at the same time.
Oh yes, the sh*tting is real. People were showing up before dawn to stake out their spots and will stay 12-18 hours. We were walking down by the stream a year two three or so and there was a group of guys/gals that had a little set up, complete with a make shift toilet paper holder back in the trees. This was on private land. That land has a new owner who will definately blow a gasket if people are camping out on his land, sh*tting it up.

A certain guide service let their guests urinate in my friend's front yard, in the middle of the day, waders down, fully exposed.

There was a shift after 2020. I never remember bad behavior. Plenty of times, people would stop and ask if they could park because someone had mobility issues or whatever. We always said yes.
Oh yes, the sh*tting is real. People were showing up before dawn to stake out their spots and will stay 12-18 hours. We were walking down by the stream a year two three or so and there was a group of guys/gals that had a little set up, complete with a make shift toilet paper holder back in the trees. This was on private land. That land has a new owner who will definately blow a gasket if people are camping out on his land, sh*tting it up.

A certain guide service let their guests urinate in my friend's front yard, in the middle of the day, waders down, fully exposed.

There was a shift after 2020. I never remember bad behavior. Plenty of times, people would stop and ask if they could park because someone had mobility issues or whatever. We always said yes.
100% WG on the shift after 2020. People discovered the outdoors when covid hit and they think they "own it" now and can do whatever they want. Sh!T will hit the fan if it keeps up and people continue to be disrespectful.
Disrespecting private property is beyond the pale, ridiculously selfish, and bad for everyone (see Cherry Run). And there's no doubt there are more knuckleheads around these days. At least, according to my incredibly non-scientific survey, front platers often don't catch many fish.
Unfortunately it’s a few who ruin the opportunities for others by disrespecting the landowners.
I feel like I need to get a 12 pack, small camp stove and spending entire day up there enjoying the show. I'm getting Salmon River vibes
A recent Troutbitten podcast mentioned that section (not by name mind you, but you can put 2 and 2 together) and said that the owner got tired of guides taking clients down there (guiding on that creek and others around there has gotten ridiculous so I don’t particularly blame him.). Between that and the stupid YouTubers filming themselves breaking off fish it’s not even worth fishing the blue ribbon water on weekends anymore.

Probably added a lot more pressure to the spot and I reckon I’d get salty too about people making a bunch of money prostituting my land. Not sure if that was the only reason, but it’s a real shame. Was always a favorite spot to hit around dawn when driving up from eastern PA or one last quick hit for a few more fish on the drive out.

PFBC could spend some money trying to establish some easements with these private landowners- instead they focus on stocking invasive rubber trout over wild and native fish populations while access dries up . Sad…
The issue with easements is not the money. PFBC is willing. It is getting landowner agreement. The LJRA has no problem getting $ from PFBC for easements, its finding willing owners. People don't want to give up control of their land. Understandable especially considering the topic of this post
this was 2021 during GD time at ingleby. im walking back to my truck on the rail bed path - going back upstream - at 10:30pm or 11pm, of course pitch darkness. as i near the public parking area ... i start to see a "glow". in that parking lot, there is a guy with a brand new tactical Jeep - fitted out like he could run down Rommel and the entire Afrika Korps ... ramps, xtra tires, multiple petrol canisters lashed on the sides,etc. coming out of the back - he had a telescoping pole .. with a large halogen / led lamp-light on it. his group was lounging and breaking down gear. the whole parking area was lit up like a Walmart parking lot.

the camps by that parking were BATHED in pure white light. im thinking " how do these camp owners feel about that??" All those camps were filled with guests / folks not all fishing. Theres a nice guy there who lives there full time ( Jason ?), cuts wood, has always been very friendly to me and keeps an eye over the whole place. His camp was glowing -- how does he feel? I'll bet not very happy about it.

its great that more people are enjoying the sport and the outdoors, but things have gotten extreme since 2020.
this was 2021 during GD time at ingleby. im walking back to my truck on the rail bed path - going back upstream - at 10:30pm or 11pm, of course pitch darkness. as i near the public parking area ... i start to see a "glow". in that parking lot, there is a guy with a brand new tactical Jeep - fitted out like he could run down Rommel and the entire Afrika Korps ... ramps, xtra tires, multiple petrol canisters lashed on the sides,etc. coming out of the back - he had a telescoping pole .. with a large halogen / led lamp-light on it. his group was lounging and breaking down gear. the whole parking area was lit up like a Walmart parking lot.

the camps by that parking were BATHED in pure white light. im thinking " how do these camp owners feel about that??" All those camps were filled with guests / folks not all fishing. Theres a nice guy there who lives there full time ( Jason ?), cuts wood, has always been very friendly to me and keeps an eye over the whole place. His camp was glowing -- how does he feel? I'll bet not very happy about it.

its great that more people are enjoying the sport and the outdoors, but things have gotten extreme since 2020.
reminds me of the idiots in RVs that have to have bright lights glowing all damn night, just screaming, "look at meeee"
I can't stand it.
this was 2021 during GD time at ingleby. im walking back to my truck on the rail bed path - going back upstream - at 10:30pm or 11pm, of course pitch darkness. as i near the public parking area ... i start to see a "glow". in that parking lot, there is a guy with a brand new tactical Jeep - fitted out like he could run down Rommel and the entire Afrika Korps ... ramps, xtra tires, multiple petrol canisters lashed on the sides,etc. coming out of the back - he had a telescoping pole .. with a large halogen / led lamp-light on it. his group was lounging and breaking down gear. the whole parking area was lit up like a Walmart parking lot.

the camps by that parking were BATHED in pure white light. im thinking " how do these camp owners feel about that??" All those camps were filled with guests / folks not all fishing. Theres a nice guy there who lives there full time ( Jason ?), cuts wood, has always been very friendly to me and keeps an eye over the whole place. His camp was glowing -- how does he feel? I'll bet not very happy about it.

its great that more people are enjoying the sport and the outdoors, but things have gotten extreme since 2020.
Is it really great though? It’s about time most of these people f’d back off to whatever they did before Covid.