Cheap yet reliable Steelhead outfit

Heritage-Angler wrote:
LRSABecker wrote:
How much Ed?

I can be bribed.......with pie. :lol:

I don't think my wife would agree to that.....
Heritage-Angler wrote:
You're not gonna beat the deal I told you about. Period. There is no way you'll find a combo that includes rod, reel, line, backing, leader, and rod case - plus a lifetime warranty - for even close to that price.

Sounds like you're pushing for the Bean, stuff on clearance or anything special?

I can be bribed.......with pie.

I've seen the man in action at the Chinese Buffet, offer him lo mein!
Silly gfen. You clearly do not believe in the power of the H.A. Network.

You also do not understand the current pie exchange rates. Lo Mein just won't cut it - it's pie or nothing. One slice. It is, however, almost 7 hours away from here.

I'm getting pie, and you're not - unless the Helement makes the trek to the Steelhead Jam. :cool:
Just make sure you get a rod 10ft or longer!
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Silly gfen. You clearly do not believe in the power of the H.A. Network.

You also do not understand the current pie exchange rates. Lo Mein just won't cut it - it's pie or nothing. One slice. It is, however, almost 7 hours away from here.

I'm getting pie, and you're not - unless the Helement makes the trek to the Steelhead Jam. :cool:

No sir, I've watched the HAN (Heritage Angling Network) grow before my eyes, I'm not surprised at its reach in the least.. It makes the Illuminati look like a bunch of rank amatuers.

I am unaware of the power of this pie, truth. I am aware that I'm not driving 7 hours for pie unless its served to me on a nubile lass' bared stomach, with a fork made of ivory and whipped cream made from free range cows borne of the most pampered bovines of the Bailiwick of Guernsey.

The lass should have ginger hair, and a pale complexion. Points would be deducted for excessive freckling.

Upon completion of this scenario, I am prepared to consider this pie that worthy.
what combo is it heritage ? jay i am not sure if it is true but i have heard about the im 7 & 8 graphite being more brittle than the im 6 for example in cold weather , not sure how true


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See, it was the Bean!

(I don't remember which line I have, but I'm really impressed by the lowest line rod I have from Bean, and there's something to be said for walk in, walk out eternal replacement service)

Anyways, on the pie thing..can you arrange that, coz I'll roll 7 hours if its that good. Hell, I'd go 8.
gfen wrote:
Anyways, on the pie thing..can you arrange that, coz I'll roll 7 hours if its that good. Hell, I'd go 8.

Yeah, it's that good. I made a comment to the waitress that it tasted like somebody's Grandmother made it - she laughed, and took me back to the kitchen.....and there stood a cute little old lady that looked like the prototypical Grandmother.

This place is flat out awesome. I make it a point to eat breakfast and lunch there every day I'm up there. If you show your fishing license, they give a 10% discount - gotta love it!

When I asked Gene if he was going to the Steelhead Jam, he said he doubted he'd be able to go. He asked me to eat some pie for him - no mention of big steelhead, or any of the fun stuff that happens at the Jam......Pie. Unbelievable.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Yeah, it's that good. I made a comment to the waitress that it tasted like somebody's Grandmother made it - she laughed, and took me back to the kitchen.....and there stood a cute little old lady that looked like the prototypical Grandmother.

I'm not old like you, so more importantly, what'd the waitress look like, and am I eating pie off her bare midriff?

Someone needs to move the steelhead jam about 4 hours closer to here.
Someone needs to move the steelhead jam about 4 hours closer to here.

Just ride with me, take an Ambien and you will wake up there. Unless I take one too . . ..
So....I ended up with the H.A. special. find time to make the 7 hour trek.....Hopefully i can make the Jam, but otherwise I've got vacation days to use up - just need the kitchen passes.

Entertaining all invitations to ride up with eastern PA folks
jdaddy wrote:
Just ride with me, take an Ambien and you will wake up there. Unless I take one too . . ..

Y'know, there's plenty of jokes to be made here, but they're much easier to make with Jay and you as the subject, not me.
jdaddy wrote:
Someone needs to move the steelhead jam about 4 hours closer to here.

Just ride with me, take an Ambien and you will wake up there. Unless I take one too . . ..

If you wake up with pie crumbs on your belly, you know what happened. :-o
Thanks Trow for scooping up the Last HA special, luckily he was nice enough to sell me his :)

Gfen whatever you do, do not take the Ambien, Jdaddy might try to take advantage of you :)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
If you wake up with pie crumbs on your belly, you know what happened. :-o


I'm going to have nightmares.
gfen wrote:
I'm going to have nightmares.

I think jdaddy should be the one worrying about pie crumbs on the belly. Especially if you wind up splitting a room with him.

Jeff - I recommend this stuff for the ride out. If you can tough it out for two hours, you should be able to make it without worrying about gfen and his pie fetish. :-D


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I think jdaddy should be the one worrying about pie crumbs on the belly. Especially if you wind up splitting a room with him.

Jeff - I recommend this stuff for the ride out. If you can tough it out for two hours, you should be able to make it without worrying about gfen and his pie fetish. :-D

While I admit, there's something enchanting about his soft southern drawl, the rest of him doesn't exactly inspire me to eating pie off his midriff.
I just found these replies and have one thing to say . . .



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Makes two of us.