chat room


May 29, 2007
I'm just being inquizative. Every now and then I check the chat room to see if anyone is there to chat with. I wouldnt mind talking with anyone on this forum, and, dont really care if we dont. I'm just interested in why its not utilized. I suspect that people dont want to type that much. I dont know though, what are your reasons?

The truth is it is a little sluggish....well, that is the reason it isn't popular. That doesn't mean it isn't useful though. We had a saturday evening chat a few months ago...about 6 mos I guess. It was fun. If you want to give it a go, make a post on the general forum about scheduling a chat. Pick a time when you have an hour or so and announce it. See how it goes.

Good luck,

Speaking for myself:

Chat :: telephone conversation
Message Board :: e-mail

I prefer e-mail to phone conversation because neither person has to be present at the same time in order to complete an exchange. One participant sends a message when convenient, the other replies when convenient. The conveniences need not occur simultaneously.

While there are times when a simultaneous give-and-take is more efficient, these occasions are rare; and in regard to the function of this community to my life, those occasions are non-existent.

As Maurice explains, if you feel the immediacy of chat would be useful for some purpose, using the message board to alert other like-minded people would be the best course of action. Good luck. I may pop in on the discussion to see if it works out.
Don't make it late on a weekend night, else I might tarnish my reputation. All I ask. ;-)
What's your reputation Jay? Aren't you a beer chuggin', women chasin' trout bum? How much more tarnished could it get. Ahh, to be in college again.
Well, if I'm on the damn internet on a saturday night, that image would be lost... wouldn't it?

Haha. Seriously though, I do get your point. My rep is already done for. Only one more year of it, so I guess I better live it up.