Chain Gang Matuka

The chain bugger is one of the things I want to try. I have been doing some of these bunny immitations that have turned out really great too.

The chain will not wrap around the hook for sure. There is move ment there but it isn't that flexable like rabbit strips or feathers. It is constricted a little, unless you have 3" of chain that is free then you might but I am not making these that big. I am only having a couple beads that are free and it gives great movement.
Plus that flat wide tail will give movement. any current will give it some movement. AND as the bead chain moves they will make noise which is a BIG factor in fishing.I can here them now tick-tick-tick, just like a wounded bait fish.
gfen wrote:
jayL wrote:
There is very little "retrieve" in fly fishing with streamers. A few strips and twitches, then pick up and cast again. If we were in a drift boat, I could cover the same log or rock 3 times to your one with a spinning rod. Cast, 3 twitches, cast.

Different strokes. I couldn't live with myself if I did it this way.

I'm searching high and low, and I have no idea what your point is. Have a cookie.
sandfly wrote:
I can here them now tick-tick-tick, just like a wounded bait fish.

Cybernetically enhanced baitfish!


I'm searching high and low, and I have no idea what your point is. Have a cookie.

The point? That you do it differently, and that's fine and no reason to be #OOPS#y?
gfem you need to study entomology more, stick your head under water and listen like the fish
sandfly wrote:
gfem you need to study entomology more, stick your head under water and listen like the fish

No way, I'm too busy visualizing a fish sent from the future to kill Sarah O'Conner.

I suppose this makes the Gummi body streamers akin to T2000. Hot!

(no, I know that clicks, rattles and the like are perfectly valid, but I still prefer the steampunk streamer)
The point? That you do it differently, and that's fine and no reason to be #OOPS#y?

He was trying to give you a cookie. They are special cookies. Take the damn cookie.
jdaddy wrote:
The point? That you do it differently, and that's fine and no reason to be #OOPS#y?

He was trying to give you a cookie. They are special cookies. Take the damn cookie.

I don't want your ookie cookie.
Eat the tookie. Drink the cool aid. You got tung. You got long rod. You gonna nymph.
Looks pretty cool, I tied a few of the stone flies like you have in the picture but have'nt tried them yet. Was'nt to bad using a dyna king vise to hold the chain.
I have had a lot of good response from people that have used them from places here on the east coast and also out on western waters. Let me know how they work for ya. I always like a good fishing story!
jdaddy wrote:
Eat the tookie. Drink the cool aid. You got tung. You got long rod. You gonna nymph.

Why do I feel like you should precede that with the words "five dollar."

Ain't no way my rod is too boku. And no. Wet flies. Classic North Country spiders. Compared to what those cats used, a 10' rod is short.