CAUGHT ME SOME POACHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a similar experience with a bunch of Hombres on the Tully. It was on a Saturday and I had a hard time getting the local WCO. He and his deputies showed up after about 45 minutes and the poachers were still there. I never found out the final outcome. When I left the guilty party was sitting in the back seat of the WCO's car while him and his deputies were questioning others in the group.

Our WCO stresses not to confront anyone. A simple cell phone call usually gets the job done. It's not worth the risk. Call in the guys that are trained to handle it.
Great work.

No drivers license - Didn't those illegals know that they could have gotten help by notifying the Governors of NY or MD!
That's what it takes! But the safe thing to do would be to take a pictue and leave after you called the rangers. But since you had protection I guess you ok waiting.
Nice job. Although I have in the past and would have again, approached it a different way, the outcome is what's most important.
Frederick - good job. This is a great example of a neighborhood watch.

Did catching these poachers thrill you more than the lunker you just got at Big Spring? One was C&K and the other was C&R.

This is for all you guys that call yourself men and walk away from confrontation when it comes to protecting our streams....

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME................what confrontation....from what you typed, the dudes hid in the woods while you guys stayed at the cars..........what if they came up out of the woods and wanted to playball scarecrow....what was the game plan? get stabbed, shot or killed over trout..............

steveo had wise words typed........make a phone call and let the professionals do what they are paid to do

I am all for protecting our Natural Resources............but, people without the skills to do police work.........should not be doing police work..........consider yourself fortunate.............that you and your friends did not get hurt..............those type of folks have nothing to lose and your life means jack squat to them......
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME................what confrontation....from what you typed, the dudes hid in the woods while you guys stayed at the cars..........what if they came up out of the woods and wanted to playball scarecrow....what was the game plan? get stabbed, shot or killed over trout..............

2bonthewater If you knew who I am you wouldn't be saying that... I have plenty of training for these type of situations. I took all the proper precautions and did let the proper authorites handle it . I hoped for the best and expected the worse. :-D
I was in the same situation this year. I am an out of state lisence purchaser that respects all of your laws and beautiful waters and am proud to say that I feel like I am one of you, whether you think so or not. I was on a stream this summer when a gang of six tromped right through my fishing space on a restricted section with red worms, and spinners, and stringers of trout and they were all thugs from PA. They did seem like thugs. I didnt know who to call, and also felt like it wasnt my place to call because I'm from OH. Who would I call?
"I have plenty of training for these type of situations."

But perhaps you shouldn't goad people into a situation, if they don't have the training. Hopefully you meant it the other way, stop talking the game if you can't play. Which I suspect would quiet a lot of the big talk around here.
Padraic, I can always count on you to be the voice of reason.

I may not personally always avoid confrontation, but I would never recommend confrontation to anyone else.

I'll tell you what bugs me. It's the people who complain on here about poaching and yet they are too afraid to even drop a line on the perpetrators. That is really the way I saw Fred’s post. It wasn't so much about not wanting a confrontation as it was against people who don't want to bet involved at all. To me, seeking confrontation would be going into the woods after them. No, they did it right (IMHO) by calling the authorities and waiting in the parking area.

Nobody wants to get involved these days, and criminals prefer it that way.

P.S. I used the word “nobody” in the previous sentence purely as a figure of speech.
For the record, I believe Fred is an ex-marine, is currently a corrections officer that deals with thugs on a daily basis, and packs a “piece” (with the proper permits since he is in law enforcement). Fred is right, he has the training and the “tools” to do the job, but as Farmer Dave said, the rest of us SHOULD get involved, but getting involved, if the bad guys aren’t harming someone, should only consist of gathering the information and contacting the proper authorities - not confronting them.
CO is not LE..........

but as stated..........and from PMing with fred, he is more than capable of handling himself.........

thing is........most folks on this board are not Fred and are not prepared to battle hand to hand or gun to gun.........and you guys shouldn't feel the need to fight over a trout.........take the info and call the proper folks.............sometimes the fight you pick---might just be the last fight you pick...........most of the WANTED folks out there are apprehended while in an outdoor setting.......thinking they are hiding from the police......they fish, they hunt.........same as you and I.........but their value for a human life is quite different than ours...........they could care less about you and killing you to stay out of jail is not a problem for them....... are a license holder, therefore have a stake in Pennsylvania's outdoors, more importantly the fishery end of things...........don't ever feel you are not ONE of are an outdoorsman and a licenese purchaser, therefore YOU ARE ONE OF US.............a phone call from you is just as important as a phone call from JoeBob who lives in Phoenixville...........
as for who would you call..........look in your rules and regulations handbook you received when you purchased your license.....figure out what REGION you are fishing in......the LE numbers are near the front of the handbook...........thing is, if it is a weekend, there will be not a soul at the regional case of that, you could call the local police or the game commission.......the game commission has the means to contact officers while they are in their patrol cars ( game commission is totally seperate from the Fish and Boat Commission-- 2 seperate entities ) does the county communications center...............I know lots of stuff to know....but a tiny notecard can hold all this information and might just be life saver if needed......................

keep fishing..........keep having fun.............everyone should go to ERIE..........the steelhead fishing is on FIRE.......
To the guy who asked who to call. Here's a page with the enforcement numbers for the six regions of PA. I have SC and NC plugged into my cell phone.

I've never actually had occassion to call them though. I have seen evidence of poaching, but I've not caught anyone at it. I'm hoping that means that, despite all the talk about it, poaching is fairly rare.

Great work!!! I think the main point here is the positive outcome...on two fronts!

As somebody previosly mentioned you are one of us. You buy a license and you respect the resource.

Although you will find those numbers helpful if you're out fishing during the week and it's during business hours, they are almost useless to get somebody dispatched immediately. At least that's what I've learned from my experiences. The best thing you can do is to remember as much info about the perpetrators as possible. IE a description of them, what they were doing, and if at all possible a license plate and vehicle type. Obviously you'd be able to give them information regarding the stream you were on and where on the steam you noticed the laws being broken.

I once found some poachers fishing before the season started on a stocked stream and tried to the State Police to track down a WCO but that didn't work. The numbers they gave me were correct, but I had to leave a message and wait until the next day to make a report. That is somewhat frustrating that you can't catch them in the act, but they will take note and monitor the stream in the future.

Kudos to all who take the time to report and prevent such blatant disregard for the regulations!
It would seem to me that if I see poachers on the weekends I'd have more success calling Frederick.