Catskills 'cluster f***' JAM - 28 Sep-2 Oct and 12-15 Oct 2018

Upset I missed it but more important things came up. Glad you all got into some fish regardless of the conditions! Hoping to get one or two more trips in before the deep freeze. But I'll be casting for bonefish in Hawaii in two weeks and then it about time to start swinging for steelhead once I get back.
Nice report guys thanks. I had a poor early season there due to flows than a great june and july and that was it. I was very dissappointed with the amount of times i got out on the D this year. When you don't have a boat that's the way it goes. Hope next year the flows are regulated a bit better too. They did not release enough water mid-summer than let the flood gates open since august.

Well, this was the first year of the new / improved flow plan.....and it wasn't very good. I wouldn't bet that management of the flows would be much better next year or the year after that. LoL. While a small release might be good for waiting the upper west or the upper east, it causes the river to warm way faster before the Junction Pool. That results in the main stem being unfishable.

Having a pontoon or something will let you get out and fish when it's too high to wade. I've offered a seat to you 50 times but you never took advantage of the offer!