Catskills 'cluster f***' JAM - 28 Sep-2 Oct and 12-15 Oct 2018



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
Ever wonder about fishing the Catskills / Upper Delaware but were intimidated by it's size or stories of the difficulty in catching it's big wild fish?

Ever wonder what it feels like to row a driftboat through Long Eddy 2 hours after dark while I drink a beer and watch?

You're in luck!! The tentatively scheduled dates are September 28 - October 2 and then again October 12 - October 15. We have a group of good guys with years of experience on the system. Lots of fishing knowledge in the group as well. If you have some sort of watercraft but have been unsure of where to go and how to fish the system....join in. I can not promise a seat in a boat but there are usually a seat or two open. Want to Wade? We can help you understand flows, hatches and foot access.

Hatches:. Mysterious peach fly, caddis, olives, hebes, ISO
Weather:. Yes. Bring a rain jacket and warm gear just in case
Gear: 4-6 wt rods to fish dries / nymphs. 6-8 wt rods for streamers.
Expectations:. Be able to accurately cast at distances of 30' - 50'.
Fish:. Wild bows 12"-19", wild mixed with a few stocked browns 12"-20" with a legit shot at fish 21" - 24". A good day might be 1 fish if conditions are tough so set expectations low. Two years ago, we did a fall float (me, Stimey and pro4ormance). My boat put 40+ fish in the net and lost at least a dozen more. EXTREMELY unusual and bet I never see anything like it again. This isn't gemmie fishing.

If this sounds like something that might interest you, want to meet some good guys from the forum and share fishing knowledge, drop me a PM. Looks to be a ton of excess water in the lakes so I have no idea what they will give us at the time of the trips.

Looking for bamboozle, moon and CLsports to get in this cluster. LoL.
I'm tentatively in. Trying to close on a shack in East Branch before labor day. If that happens I may have room for some people to stay depending on how many futons I can get in that time frame.
Correction to first dates... Saturday 9/29 - Tuesday 10/2

Nice. I have always kept an eye open up there. Is it the one across from Alice's Way, the one on the hill near Fishes Eddy, above the Sunoco or up above Shinhople.
I appreciate you workin' around the dates of the NCPA Summit, dude. Sincerely!
two hours of rowing I'm in
Its across the river from the sunoco on Harvard road. Not very nice and you have to scale a steep hill to get to the water but it will do.
Sweet. If it's the little cabin I'm thinking of... basic but nice. Wish I could pull off having a camp up there.

Les coming would 'up' the knowledge / experience factor by a good bit.

Andy, does that mean you'll attend? I'll allow pipe smoking in the boat.

Fred, with your strength...we'd be on plane and out of that section in 10 minutes. Just don't row so hard that my beer spills.
I should be able to make Saturday.
I will be in Potter again starting on the 14th, I COULD see if my family would allow me to travel up for several hours on the 15th....
Sounds good but it would be a LONG day. 3+ hrs drive, fish and 3+ he drive home. Been there and done it. Can be done but it's tough. was just a theory haha! Especially given that it'd be the day after driving 4 hrs to camp....The first set of dates I'll be in Bethlehem for the Celtic Cultural Alliance festival.

Yes, I take all my vacation in the Fall.
I believe that the home base for the first trip will be UDR Inn (formerly known as the Capra) and the second get together will operate out of Smith's Colonial off of NY route 97.
Updated info:
Meeting at Smith's Colonial Motel Saturday morning 9/29. After fishing Saturday, we will relocate to the upper Delaware in for Sunday and Monday.

The October get together will be based solely out of Smith Colonial.

Due to the prolonged period of cool weather, rain, cloud cover, the system has had good temperatures for 6 to 8 weeks now. There should be no shortage of water and the fish should be pretty happy all the way around. Please shoot me a message if you have interest in attending.
I might be up for the Mid-October float. Between myself and my other fishing buddy's we may have up to 3 boats.

Although later in Oct. may be more likely since I will be on an extended trip the weekend before that . . .

I will let you know if we do head up that weekend.

I may be able to swing a day or two each weekend.

I'm only an hour away (Scranton area) and have only fisht the D 2x this year due to obligations and rain.
Very good. I think we were supposed to fish 2 years ago but it never happened. I'll PM my cell number about a week in advance.
Cool! The trout i my avatar is from late Summer that year, upper WB, sulphur bank sipper. :)
Let's see if we can't get you a new avatar photo..... of a bigger brown or a colored up bow ;-)
Looking forward to not losing as many fish as I've been losing this summer.....Hopefully.