Catskill JAM in progress

I had a great time, obviously. Every time I go up there, it seems I catch my largest wild brown. The pig I landed made my knees shake once he was in the net. The ones I lost will forever haunt me. I am sure DaveS will post the video of me working a very large one, only to miss the take. Getting a shad to take a size 18 bwo on top was a good one as well. Fishing that river is amazing. Special thanks goes out to Andy and DaveS. So many memories and laughs are made on these kinds of trips. I look forward to the fall.
Mr. Becker,

What's going on in the Fall? I want to get back up there another time this year. Agree with you.....special place!!!!!
Dear krayfish,

Nice pictures and I'm glad you all had a good time.

I lived for up that way for 11 years and I fished the West Branch extensively. I did well, caught plenty of nice fish, but never saw it as a destination?

When it's all said and done I'll go on record as saying I guess maybe I took my good fortune and my good locale for granted?

Nice work people!


Tim Murphy 🙂
Thanks to Krayfish for putting this all together. Again. It was a great time. Terrific surroundings, good friends, plenty of bugs, it makes for great memories. Out on the water it was even better! lol!

I think I have one or two photos that I'll get on here shortly. And of course video of Shane missing what was clearly the fish of a lifetime!

Thanks again to everyone who made the trip. Hope to see you all again very soon.
Here's a few pics from my camera...


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And lastly my personal favorite!

I should add I took this at the "Junction Pool" HA!


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Great reports and great pics. Sorry I missed again this year. Did you guys go to the gorge on the Sink?
Thanks Andy for putting this together...I'm pretty sure a great time was had by all.
Some highlights:
-Lefty Krayfish catching a monster brown within 5 minutes of the float and maybe 15 minutes of meeting him
-All 3 boats catching 20"+ the first night
-Me learning how to not look "light in the loafers" for fish pics
-Shane's beef barbeque...tasted great and it saved most of us from going to McD's
-Beeber driving 5 hours to fish for 2 hrs...and bringing some awesome home brew
-the whole squad floating the river Friday...and Brandon taking us on his driftboat
-Finding my f#(&#(&ing wallet...sorry to put you guys through that

It was nice meeting or reacquainting with all you guys...we'll have to get up and do some fishing in the near future...
Ihave one last piece of err, umm evidence. I stopped the boat,and stoop waist deep in some pretty good current hoping Shane could get one of these nice bankers. I did get some video along with a pretty damp pair of waders.

Main Stem
Thanks, now I can relive my misery. Nice of you to cut off before the F bombs dropped! lol Between my 6 misses in a row in the Junction pool and that miss, I wanted to drown myself.
I like the soft core narration:

"c'mon take it, take it, take it, ....aaaahhh!"

That is the narration of knowing you made a perfect cast and a perfect drift hoping and pleading with your nemesis to make your day. Only to be rejected like a red headed step child, it is agonizing!
I want to thank everyone that joined us. Moving the dates from September to June hurt the attendance but the hatches were better. Lots of fun, laughs and quite a few fish caught. Dave finally got to meet Frank from Long Island. That should be something that you won’t forget soon. Special thanks go to Dave and Brandon for providing boats to take other fisherman down the river and to Josh for lending out his boat. Unfortunately, we didn’t make the Neversink Gorge trip. The fishing on the WB and Main was enough to keep us busy. The EB was also fishing good too.

CathyG - Thanks for making it. She hooked 9 on Thursday! Pretty impressive. Now that you've got the hooking them part down, we've got to work on getting them into the net. LOL. Great job and let's do it again.

Les – Wasn’t quite the same without you there this year. Hope you can make the next one.

Mcsneek – You were trolling the wrong thread. Potato salad was on fade’s thread.

BeastBrown – Great post !! Keep the contributions coming.

Tim M – I agree that you may have taken it for granted since you had lived so close to it. I do that with the Susquehanna River. We ran into 2 guides that were in from Montana to fish it. I’ve seen plates from Virginia and further away. My buddy just guided 2 guys from the west side of SC. They were fishing their way north with the Catskill region as their destination.

Fade & Prof – Sorry we never got up to Deposit. Between the 5am launches for early morning streamer fishing, not getting back from the river until 10:30 most nights and beer, we barely had time to get a few naps in over the last 4 days.

To all who were coming but had other obligations, wish you guys could have joined us. There’s always next trip. I’m open to suggestions on dates for 2013. If we go early (May 1st) so that we don’t conflict with the Penns JAM, the water could be a little high for wade fisherman. If we did mid May, too close to the Penns JAM. Early June proved to also be too close to the Penns JAM. July and August can be decent but the fishing is limited and there a ton of algae in the drift. Too late in September and the lake turns over an muddies the river.

There isn’t any real organized trip for the fall but Dave mentioned wanting to come up at least one more time this year. I believe we are shooting for sometime in September or early October. If you are interested, shoot me or Dave a PM.
