Can You Top This?



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
It's a rather sad story about a persecuted conservationist.

Dick, I want to be the first to know when those Grannoms start a-poppin'. By the way, why do you find them spelled Grannom as often as Grammon. Are they both acceptable names or is one correct?
What a hypocrite...but its great PR...Man, I wish I could have done more fluff like that when I was working news. "Hey boss, I'm gonna run up to State College tomorrow and go fishing...Don't worry, I'll bring back a nice fluff piece on a guy who thinks the citizens of PA should have to pay him to fish...but it won't say that." "Want me to pick you up some "stickies" on the way home?"
Jack: I think the Grammons are the Grammys of the hatch, not to be confused with the TV Grammys?? I will have to check and see if I still have your email! With snow flurries in the forecast, doesn't look like the bugs will be early? I hope some of the folks here email their displeasure with the newspaper for publishing this crap!! Deb Weisberg used to publish the Spring Ridge Articles, I liked her, hope she didn't quit because of DB's whining over the thickness of a wire??
response to my email to the PG about the Beaver story

Hey Matthew,
For years, Beaver wouldn't give the Post-Gazette an interview. I proposed writing a personality profile on a controversial guy. Before that story, none of us knew much about Beaver's background, how he got his money, his views on land stewardship and private property, how his club works, whether he was going ahead with the appeal, or his consideration (since he lost the case) of a Plan B that would provide limited public access to some of his private land. Through the straight news coverage of his trial and the profile on the man, I think the PG has provided fair, balanced and informed coverage of both sides of a complicated and important issue.
I don't like the whole private club thing. I'd rather see private landowners get tax incentives, and the formation of public-private conservencies that set conditions that make landowners comfortable with public access to their property.

John Hayes
Outdoors Editor
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Post-Gazette, 34 Blvd. of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 1:34 PM
To: John Hayes
Subject: Donny Beaver Piece.


Did you write this just to get a free fishing trip to SRC or did they pay you? Cause it should have had a header stating it was an advertisement.
eerily familiar: here was my response....

Hey Tom,
For years, Beaver wouldn't give the Post-Gazette an interview. I proposed a personality profile to find out who this guy is. Before this story, neither of us knew as much about his background, where he got his money, how his club works or his consideration (since he lost his court case) of ways to give the public limited access to some of his land.
I continue to oppose private clubs. I support tax incentives for landowners and public-private conservencies that would set up conditions in which landowners are comfortable letting the public on their properties.
Your letter got a couple of points wrong: I saw the fish in his hatchery. They're adolescents. A few big old breeders are stocked before they die. Most of these fish are stocked at 9 to 11 inches and grow to 20 inches or so because no one is killing them in club waters. I spent two hours fishing there to find out if the guy was telling me the truth.

However, He did take the time to respond. I give him credit for that.