BWO Swap 2012

The link is to Gavin Robinson from TCO tying a stacker pattern.
Cool, thanks. You're fly looks great SBecker, nice job.
just waiting on one more

Uhhm Just wondering if mine showed up. Have not received a confirmation.
got them today, will sort and ship by week's end.

Awesome thanks for hosting!
A small twist has kept me from the Post Office, got transferred at work and have been busy gather tools and finishing paperwork. Good chance I 'll make it tomorrow though.


I will be mailing out all the flies I have received on Monday, Oct 1st. It is unfortunate that we were short two sets of flies, but I will draw this swap to a close. The deadline was 9/16/12 and if you haven't mailed in your entries yet, no need to. Thanks to all that followed the guidelines and tight lines. Also, all extras will be sent to the Dave K and the mods.

Flies got here today, nice ties everyone. FFJ, as always thank you for doing the leg work. Jack
Flies arrived today. Can't wait to fish them. Great job everyone.
I just returned from a week of fishing, and finally got to see these flies. Nice job guys!
Thanks to FFJ for hosting this.

With the cold weather the last few days, the autumn olives seem to finally be getting into full swing now. And I hope to try them out