Butter Worm

I think Mr Pcolas first name was Anthony , anyhow a friend and I tried to buy them at a rate and sell them in the Harrisburg area and he would not budge an inch on the individual price and I don't blame him they really are an awesome lure. The last time i used one was on Oppossum Lake in Cumberland county and I had a few 20+ days. I also remember when he first started to promote them at the Outdoors Show at the Farm Show building in Harrisburg , he had that little rectangular tank that he demonstrated them in.
Meh. I always enjoyed the allure of answering "where'd you get that damn thing?" with a business card sized piece of paper with some random person's address.
Image searches don't seem to help, what is the Niti-1? A little spoon?
Kind of.

It's hard to see in this pic, but here they are:


They are 1.5 inches long or so and elongated. Half is folded like a taco, and there's a little triangle fin in there. They also have a red "hot spot".

idk. They work better than anything I have ever seen.

Edit: the image is google cached, but no longer there. Do an image search for "niti-1 trout killer" and you will see.
That's a much better photo than the only one I was able to find, but it still seems to leave something to the imagination.

I guess that's the point to the fish, eh?

I'm really getting close to taking a day of all spin fishing this coming spring just to see how good, or bad, I do. I should order one of these things to try.
Jerry, Willies has them. They are labeled just as Trout Killers I think. gold, silver, and like a blackish brown color.
n00b. It's brass, nickel, and black. :lol:
Ok lol thanks for the color revisions..
The small black one is the bomb , try it for susky smallmouth , they kill that thing. I think it looks like a stonecat to the bass.
What always surprised me was how lifelike the shadow of the trout killer looked. The spoon itself was just wobbling along but the shadow that it cast on the streambed looked like an exact match for a minnow.

I only ever used the black one as last resort, but I have taken some large fish on it. Nickel always worked best for me.
LRSABecker wrote:
Jerry, Willies has them. They are labeled just as Trout Killers I think. gold, silver, and like a blackish brown color.

Don't have familarity with the local baitshops, cornchucker, you're gonna have to tell which one Willie's is.

Anyways, yeah, I think I might buy one... to then let it sit unused like the spinning rod has since I bought it.
Northampton/Cementon Bridge/Lehigh River
LRSABecker wrote:
Northampton/Cementon Bridge/Lehigh River

Oh, that guy. OK. I know where that is. I'll have to stop in one day.

Have I told you the water smells like a sewer there?

Its bizarre, I _always_ see guys hanging at that dam, but I've never seen anyone bring anything in, but me, and my catch rate is always palm sized smallies so its not like I'm bustin' records.

I don't get it. I was also mocked once for using a fly rod in the slack water above the dam by some drunk townie.
What are wax worms the larva of what do they hatch into? I've seen the beetle a meal worm hatches into. One old guy at the cabin used to gather the wasp nests and use the larva out of them. And then there was what the locals call Grub Worms????
From what I understand a waxworm is a bee moth larvae....I used to sell them in a fishing tackle shop I used to have