Bug Repellent

I spent a day at my brother- in-laws cabin last weekend. And he was wearing a plastic bracelet that is supposed to repel bugs. It comes in a sealed plastic package, and is supposed to last 72 hours once opened. Kinda reminded me of a dog flea and tick collar. He said that it works pretty well - although he doesn't fish, and go deep into the woods like I do.
Just wondering if anyone else has tried these
Squatch wrote:

and invest in some of those fancy shmancy fishin' shirts.
Do those bug repel shirts (LLBean is one I was looking at) actually work?
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Do those bug repel shirts (LLBean is one I was looking at) actually work?

Yes they do. They claim they're effective for 70 washings, but I have my doubts about that. I've got a whole closet full of those type of shirts, so I haven't had to wash mine that many times yet.

The current model, the "No Fly Zone" shirt has a goofy pocket setup. You can get some permethrin spray and make any shirt you like an insect repellent shirt. While you're at it, spray your fishing hats too. Ticks tend to crawl up.

Permethrin is your friend. :)