Brown Drake Dry Fly?



Dec 22, 2016
I fished upper Pine Creek last week for a few days, and saw some of the largest mayflies I've ever seen there. Easily size #8's. The fish did take my brown drake dry fly pattern, but I am looking for alternatives that I can tie in size 8/10. I think I've got the body color right, but what hackle should I use? Does anyone tie flies this big in a comparadun style?
Both myself and many others have fished Comparaduns to imitate Green Drakes with good success.

You should be able to do the same with Brown Drakes.

I've tied a few patterns specifically made to match the Brown Drake.
Very similar to a March Brown - but with a golden/yellow colored body.

I have however, matched that hatch quite effectively with a #10 March Brown.
I'll second the compara dun. The work quite well for the larger mayflies ie drakes. Green, slate, and what we've called chocolate drakes.
Yes, the Drakes, I tie large ones.

Size 10-2xl or bigger, size 8 also, same

Deer Hair wings- upright, several shades.

Hackle, brown, grizzly, badger, cream, mixed, straight, all parachute style.

bodies, all dubbed, all shades.

tails - cock pheasant 2 or 3--spent long. easily a long as hook, if not a little more.

Secret---------before dubbing body, tie in a bunch of deer hair, just behind hook eye to barb of hook. Talk about a big fly floater.

I like using these-- head of holes, heavy flow, cover, close and sweet. I want Joe not little Joe!

Brown Drake is the shortest of the Drakes. Next time out, you may not see it for another year.

Funny, Times Trout will not work on the Drake, crushing sulphurs and emergers instead. Dirty, stinking, Trout. Make a fool of me, more than once!

Don't worry, Hercules Powder Company has the answer----Dynamite. Hand it "lit" to the Warden and watch him fish too!
