Brookies In The Endless Mountains



May 29, 2010
Had a great experience this weekend exploring for the first time a back country stream we had identified through topo map reviews and a review of the information available at PFBC for wild trout. This stream was remote as all get out and hard to get to. Truck, then mountain bike, then hike in.

They are out there, ladies and gentlemen.

Sadly, I cannot get the picture to post. Imagine a 8" brightly colored brookie laying next to a fine PA builder crafted bamboo rod, with a Peerless reel, and you've got it.
found your camera and posted them for you.


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There was a brookie in every fishy looking spot. Size 16 green humpy was the ticket, but they were not picky. I don't think anyone bothers to fish it.
Shhhh! You now have a relatively untouched resource for you and your close friends. Those are few and far between.
yeah my brother in law lives in the Endless Mountains, and has a nice, sizeable stretch of streamside property. Lots of trout in it...a lot of trout. No one can get to it either w/out trespassing.

He doesn't even fish!
Shhhh! You now have a relatively untouched resource for you and your close friends. Those are few and far between.

This is simply not true! I'm not telling him to blab, the one's I've found I keep away from the eyes of the public board too. But they are by no means few and far between. There's over 3000 wild trout streams in the state, and probably 1000 of them are pretty good, 900 or so of which fit his basic description. You could say they are scarce in some areas, and downright common in others. But that area falls in the latter category.

pcray1231 wrote:
Shhhh! You now have a relatively untouched resource for you and your close friends. Those are few and far between.

This is simply not true! I'm not telling him to blab, the one's I've found I keep away from the eyes of the public board too. But they are by no means few and far between. There's over 3000 wild trout streams in the state, and probably 1000 of them are pretty good, 900 or so of which fit his basic description. You could say they are scarce in some areas, and downright common in others. But that area falls in the latter category.
I'm with Pat on this, there are no secret streams in PA, only stream that are less fished then others.
Well the stream would be known to hunters but it is a real pain to get to, even impenetrable at points. There were no signs it had been visited by anyone. We have made a point this summer of hitting as many of those blue lines on the topo is the Endless Mountains as we can. The lesson of this one was it was only on the natural reproduction list (which is a lifetime sized list), on public lands,and was just difficult to get to. We're going back to fish the lower stretch which is even more of a hike in, and then there's that other stream. . . .
Is the stream called Kettle Creek right by state route 3009?
NedZeppelin wrote:
Well the stream would be known to hunters but it is a real pain to get to, even impenetrable at points. There were no signs it had been visited by anyone. We have made a point this summer of hitting as many of those blue lines on the topo is the Endless Mountains as we can. The lesson of this one was it was only on the natural reproduction list (which is a lifetime sized list), on public lands,and was just difficult to get to. We're going back to fish the lower stretch which is even more of a hike in, and then there's that other stream. . . .
There are thousands of streams i the Endless Montains like hat. Have fun!