Bright brookie

BrooksAndHooks wrote:
I only use it semi-sarcastically since a lot of the guys on here use it. Some think their are too good for the wee brook trout, some use it endearingly. I don't really use the term myself. It's a funny one for sure though.
I hear you Brooks. I agree, many snub the wee brookie because of it's size, but it really has nothing to do with size. The native brookie, being our state fish, is probably the overall prettiest of trout. But, it's more about the places you have to go to catch natives, usually fairly remote locations with spectacular scenery. Not to mention, you'll usually find solitude.
Shiniest gem thread, nice! ;-)

I'll see what I've got when I get home later.
Sarce, we really should start a whole addition forum section just for the gemmies...

wildtrout2, that is my take also. I enjoy hiking, relaxing, and quiet time in the woods myself or with one good friend. The fishing is just a bonus some days.
BrooksAndHooks wrote:
I enjoy hiking, relaxing, and quiet time in the woods myself or with one good friend. The fishing is just a bonus some days.

Definitely. I love just being out in the middle of nowhere where theres nothing.
Brooks - I like that idea. Or put a disclaimer at the start of all gemmie threads so the haters know not to keep reading. "WARNING: THREAD CONTAINS ONLY SMALL FISH"


Planning on catching a few brookies myself this weekend, as SteveO said mainly to get away from people for a day. Then Sunday chasing some big wild browns. And this is a few days after returning from a fly fishing trip to Florida for saltwater fish. All the same to me - FUN!
Alright here's the best I could find of my pics. Couldn't get a great shot, but you get the idea. Far more red spots than yellow, and a couple red spots on the dorsal. from the far headwaters of a MD mountain stream.


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Thats a nice one. I might try to sneak out after some BIG gemmies here in the next day or two. We already chased lots of browns and I missed a big brookie (not as big as yours, same stream) this week already. Fished big spring, letort, yellow breeches and falling spring branch, then fished on the clarion river and didn't have much luck up there, but saw a real hammer brown and a big fat stocked golden. Got my first fish on big spring and letort in one day so I was happy with that, but had a big guy snap off a streamer too.. that was a bummer.

Goodluck on mining some gemmies, and on your big brown hunt also ;)

PS: this is a gemmie related post, fair warning.
Good luck on BS. I've literally caught 2 fish there, one happened to be a freak. And if you've caught one on letort, that's one more than me. Last year was not a good year for "large" freestone gems for me, hoping to change that this year. Ideally starting tomorrow, but might be a bit early yet to consistently start seeing them. Will do some prospecting (get it? haaa) and see what happens.
All this gemmie talk is making me itch for mu trip tomorrow.
Here's one of my brightly-colored gemmies, caught last July in the Jim Thorpe area. I can imagine this guy became pretty intensely-colored during the spawn.



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And one other one, caught right at the end of spawn and looking pretty beat up, but nicely colored.


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The first thing I did was to check the date of the post because I thought it was a spawner. Wasn't there a thread about spring spawning brook trout a while back? That is one beautiful fish no matter what time of the year.
The first thing I did was to check the date of the post because I thought it was a spawner. Wasn't there a thread about spring spawning brook trout a while back? That is one beautiful fish no matter what time of the year.
Really like the pic. Just a quick sketch...



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Hey, nice art work. Well done.

You've made that day even more memorable.

Thanks for that.

A cleaned up version. Glad you liked it.
One of the many from a Shenandoah National Park stream this weekend. The stream in question is a well known tributary to an even more well known stream. I don't fish for brook trout as often as I should. Every time I go I wonder why I don't do it more often.


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OK, One More Brookie..



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Do you mind if I download that picture?
Its compresed. Pm your email and I will send you the full pic.