Bright brookie



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
This is the brightest red brookie I have ever caught. Took advantage of the weather yesterday And hit small stream in Laurel Highlands.

My take is most streams in the Laurel Highlands have wild trout- some creeks have low densities but I have been finding many with good populations.

]Fire Jet [/url]
Beautiful fish!! Love the trim on the fins!! All the good work - sewer remediation, etc. in the LH is paying off.
Gorgeous. Looks like he never lost his fall colors!
That is impressive. I have certainly never seen one that red before.
That is a great lookin fish. Love fish like that. Shall we make this a super insanely bright brookie thread?
What a gem!
Let's keep this thread and try to find the shiniest gem.

Really beautiful......The Kid is in the lead.
That's a great looking fish.
Very gorgeous fish indeed. I was hoping to post mine that I caught this fall which was very red...however, you still got me beat! Cheers.
Not bright red but bright spots:



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What a difference a day makes.

Yesterday in the peaceful mountains and 64 degrees. Today, 27 with breezy conditions and hauling scrap and lifting railroad ties.
Beautiful fish... But I heard you quit your job and moved to MT. Work is for suckers!
My gemmiest gem to date -



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Beautiful fish only got one that colored up in Montana, I'll try to find the picture..
I've caught.brookies that have pink but never one that red. that fish is stunning.
Thanks for sharing. That gemmie must be a ruby. Making a trip over there tomorrow, maybe I'll try to find him and catch him.
I only use it semi-sarcastically since a lot of the guys on here use it. Some think their are too good for the wee brook trout, some use it endearingly. I don't really use the term myself. It's a funny one for sure though.