
The variant in that video is a poor substitute for the original fly. The key aspect of the breadcrust is the texture of the body which is not on that generic orange dubbed soft hackle.
I thought some might be interested in the Solomon and Leiser pattern (The Caddis and the Angler, 1977). I read somewhere (not in this book) that the breadcrust originated as a wet fly pattern and was changed to a larval caddis pattern over time. Who knows if that is true, but you can kind of see the wet fly origins in this material list.

Hook: Mustad 37160 (They note that many use 3906 or 3399, standard wet fly)
Thread: black
Body: orange or green floss or wool
Rib: center stem of dark brown rooster feather
Hackle: soft webby grizzly

I finally managed to get a grouse skin and I'm looking forward to trying the pattern that GenCon posted.
I tie mine a little different than the GC, I see it as a cased caddis so I use a very small hackle wrap with a green or orange head in front of that to mimic the peeking caddis.

Tied some up with quail, can't wait to get em wet
Maybe put a peeping caddis look, and have the soft hackle at the rear of the fly? As well

Thanks for the fly to try! No I just have to get one of the heart attacks with wings! Did just get a new over/under so hopefully that helps ;)
Tried this pattern last night.

word of advice- Lock your grouse dog in the next room when tying with grouse feathers. She would not leave me a lone and kept nudging me. I guess that's a good thing that she knows the smell. But quite tough to wrap the tail feather with an 80 pound lab nudging your thread hand. ;)
Any tips on keeping the quill from bulking up at the head?
Mike, are you soaking the quill? You should soak it for several hours.
Next, when you tie in the quill tie in at the smallest portion. I tie quill in about 1/2'' from the very point of the quill.

I did not soak it. Will do that on the next round. GenCon, did you tie a green bead head bread crust fly in your coupla nymphs thread. I was contemplating that as well. It kind of reminds me of a walts worm in a way if you don't put on hackle.
Mike, no I did not tie one with a bead. Guess it was someone else.
