Book Review: Fly Fishing for Striped Bass by Rich Murphy

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Fly Fishing for Striped Bass
Rich Murphy
Wild River Press, 2007

The claim that any book is “definitive” has always caused me to dismiss the reviewers glowing claims that inevitably follow – and I’ll not use the term in this review – but Fly Fishing for Striped Bass by Rich Murphy comes close to meeting this ideal. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with Rich at the Somerset show in the past and marveling at his beautiful and innovative fly patterns. When I asked him if he’d ever caught a tautog on a fly (something I’ve tried to do for years, without any luck) he responded with a tone suggesting that it was downright easy.

Looking at his crab patterns, it doesn’t surprise me that ole Mr Tog would fall for ‘em. Anyway, this book, is simply put, a pleasure to read or just peruse. Replete with color photos on every page, it’s a coffee table book that reads just as well. In its 9 chapters, FFfSB starts with an intriguing chapter that follows the migration of “Sax,” a fictional, fifty pound cow bass on her migration up the coast.

Other chapters describe the various techniques for flats, rocks, bays, etc as well as Rich’s excellent flies and other gear. Murphy, a driven, rail thin runner and type A angler is highly intelligent and you can sense his intense focus on every page. The book can be difficult to read in a bit too many sections and sometimes it seems that Murphy tries a bit too hard by half to find a sophisticated voice, writing too many passages like this:

We know from Chapter 2 that a major physiological change happens in her eyes at sundown – the color receptors or cones on the surface of her eye’s retina retract and contrast detecting receptors, or rods are deployed in their place. This enhances her capacity to detect subtle changes in the contrast gradient of the water column around her caused by the movement of her prey or predators…My surface night patterns are configured to generate a significant and/or unusual acoustical air/water intersurface rip, and like my subsurface patterns, to develop a long and sinuous horizontal profile to as maximize their silhouette against the night sky.

If you can get past some of this wordy verbiage, however (Tom Pero admits that editing the book was a challenge), there is a tremendous amount of useful information. I particularly found his water temp charts by season to be fascinating. Murphy also covers fly fishing the coast of California for stripers, a region often overlooked in other striped bass fly fishing books. This is a big book and not cheap to buy but I’d highly recommend it, especially if you’re a bit past the stage of beginning striper angler and are looking to learn some more innovative tactics and outside conventional fishing methods.

The book is written in easy to read language. It is informative. Content is well organized (sometimes the authors jump from one thought to another, from this hard to grasp the essence. Murphy certainly not such writer). I can not say that 100% of the book is universal (so my impression formed from the the author examples). but in general the book is very useful: tons of good information, history, ichthyology, techniques, tactics, locations, stories, fantastic illustrations and photography.

Best regards, RcSt

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The book is written in easy to read language. It is informative. Content is well organized (sometimes the authors jump from one thought to another, from this hard to grasp the essence. Murphy certainly not such writer). I can not say that 100% of the book is universal (so my impression formed from the the author examples). but in general the book is very useful: tons of good information, history, ichthyology, techniques, tactics, locations, stories, fantastic illustrations and photography.

Best regards, RcSt

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The book is written in easy to read language. It is informative. Content is well organized (sometimes the authors jump from one thought to another, from this hard to grasp the essence. Murphy certainly not such writer). I can not say that 100% of the book is universal (so my impression formed from the the author examples). but in general the book is very useful: tons of good information, history, ichthyology, techniques, tactics, locations, stories, fantastic illustrations and photography.

Best regards, RcSt

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Becks and PhilC taken PAFF national ;-) Good luck gents and enjoy!
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I LOVE the idea of limiting it to those 6 flies.
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Becker and Phil, good luck! Hope you guys have a great time and I know you'll represent paff well!

I'd say if you only have 6 fies, then make sure to bump up your tippet size. Rather not lose any of them. Also have back up nets and rods ready. Time is of essence rather than untangling knots, or having something break.

Most of all have fun! Looking forward to see how you guys fare.
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I won a trip there last year and loved it. I booked a week there this year, May 19 - 23rd. From there I'm traveling to Elk Springs Resort for 3 more days. I CAN"T WAIT!
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Good luck Shane and Phil. I know you'll do us proud!
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Are they making another show this year? Way cool to see the site represented on TV.
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Go get em boys! Watched Phil pick off a nice bank sipper last week and saw Shane absolutely school a 20"+ sucker. They looked like they were ready to me. I think they can top 3 or better if they adapt to the stockies. I'll see you guys in NY later that week.
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Hammered the big bows down here these last two days. My arm is sore.
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Agreed...I was just there 4/19-21 and olive bugger or olive anything was the color to use.
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Phil and I hope to make Paff proud. Thanks to everybody for the words of encouragement!
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'make paff proud'....'represent us'!?! lol Good luck fooling those big, planted pelletheads, sounds really tough. Should really be a stern test for all the great fishermen at the tourney lol. Could we get a team together for the Kish Creek derby next week too. Not sure whats more annoying, the idea of such a tournament, or that curtis fleming character in the video link
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I agree Scott...its an eyeopener tho for sure. Considering there are over 11,000 TU members in PA and based on this small sample there could/should be over 20,000. Imagine if you had double the membership in your chapter...and better yet double the volunteers the things that could be done.

I can appreciate a few malcontents and sour pusses but HALF the sample. WOW!
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